Page 51 of Surprise Daddy

Truth be told, I don’t know what kind of mess I’ve just stepped in.

I’m not sure it even matters. I’ve got everything I could ever want in front of me. Today, I see the illusion of a perfect world.

If it weren’t for the hit job breathing down my neck, I might be able to pretend I have a family.

January goes from white to red. It’s cold, rage, frustration. Numbing days burn into long hard nights of fucking.

Red shares my bed now. I’m worried we’ll slip up and Mia will wonder why we’re sleeping in the same room, but it’s not enough to stop taking her over the edge night after blistering night.

The need in my balls won’t let me quit.

The animal ache on my lips every second they’re not fused to hers is ready for tough questions. They’d rather speak to a thousand innocent concerns from honeybee than go one day without tasting this woman I’ve claimed.

She’s getting more adventurous by the week. Some nights Red spends nearly an hour on her knees, my dick in her mouth, learning every nook and cranny of my bliss. I’ve lost my come in her mouth a few times.

It’s heaven when it happens, but the aftermath is hell. I can’t ignore that demon urge in the back of my mind that always wants to bust inside her, shoot my fire up her womb until she’s mine, mine, so fucking mine.

Yes, she’s on the pill. Good thing, too, or I’m not sure I’d ask what the fuck is going on. I’m not sure the sadistic beast inside me would care.

I’m no shrink, but I know what it’s like when a man’s subconscious gets obsessed with knocking pussy up.

Adam had that glint in his eye every time he talked about fucking Bev. He only had a chance to put one baby in her, sad to say, and remembering his mortality dials this demented need to fuck my nanny raw up to eleven.

The days are more tolerable. Work keeps my mind off sex and murder, but those ghosts in my ear are getting louder.

You said you’d do it, asshole. Make us proud. It’s Zane’s voice every time, his dead grey eyes hollowing out my soul. Tony can’t even walk straight. Least you can do is let my kid brother know I didn’t die for nothing.

Focus, douchebag. Focus, focus, focus. You can’t let the asshole who melted my face keep breathing forever. Oh, and you’d better send my ma a card. Erik had a high school quarterback’s good looks. Think that boy would’ve played the field forever back home in California if he hadn’t gotten murdered.

Do it, Captain. For Bev. For Mikey. For me. You promised my family justice.

Yes, I did. Goddammit, I did, Adam, and no nighttime bliss I find with your killer’s sis will ever let me forget.

It’s just, the right opportunity hasn’t shown up yet. Sadie keeps asking why I haven’t gone on that big job out of town yet. I tell her it’s delayed.

Even the cover story doesn’t seem right anymore, and I have zilch in the blueprints department. Even the infrequent trips I make to the Kelley place with Mia and Red doesn’t inspire any grand ideas.

Weeks go by, and I’m no closer to learning anything new about Jackson. No secret vulnerabilities or silver bullets lying around, ready.

We sit like statues upstairs while the old lady paints us. She’s more animated than ever, moving like a woman possessed. Red says she’s never seen her mother work so hard without a meltdown in years.

The first finished sketch in charcoal seems like a beauty. I’m a huge, dark shadow holding onto a sunbeam smiling in my arms. The imaginary puppy is a strange touch, a teacup poodle peeking out of my other hand.

I wish Mrs. Kelley would just call it there. But, of course, insanity always goes hand-in-hand with perfectionism.

We’re supposed to show up before Valentine’s Day again so she can do us in oils.

It’s a lazy Saturday, one I’ve taken off work. I decide to drown my dead end frustration in pussy. I’ve got Red bent over the bed, her lush ass smacking my thighs every time I drive into her.

“Fuck me harder, darling. Harder!” My hand crashes into her ass. The other gives her cinnamon hair a harsh tug, showing her how fucking serious I am.

“Yes, yes – Marshal!” My name flies out of her mouth on fire. I tilt her head down a split second before she comes, smothering her screams in the pillow. Can’t have her disturbing Mia’s sleep, much as I want to howl to the moon.

I bite my tongue and taste blood. Her pussy melts, massaging my dick like pure silk.

My hips go berserk. I think the collision between our bodies will fucking break us, but it just sends an electric heat up my spine.