Page 19 of Making It Count

“Most players aren’t,” Layne reasoned.

“I know,” she replied. “Still, some are, and I think that matters.” Shay looked around the hotel room, suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic. “I should go. I need sleep, and my roomie is probably still in Martin’s room, so I might be able to get a few minutes of quiet before she comes back.” She stood up and turned around to face Layne. “Thank you for the pep talk, if I can call it that.”

Layne smiled up at her. Then, her hand went to Shay’s forearm. She squeezed it and gave Shay a smile.

“No problem. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a case of senioritis.”

“I meant, are you okay to get back to your room? You’re drunk.”

“I’m tipsy.” Shay pointed with her free hand. “There’s a difference.” Then, she looked down and realized that the reason she only had one free hand was because Layne’s hand was still on her left arm. Shay swallowed before she licked her lips and asked, “Why did you and your dates never work out?”


“You said you’d been on a few dates.”

“Oh,” Layne uttered. “Weird question.” She still didn’t drop her hand, though, so Shay took a step closer. “I think it was because I wasn’t worried about dating as much as they wanted me to be,” Layne went to explain. “Living in the athletic dorm wasn’t exactly a plus, either. Maybe if I’d dated another player, it would’ve been better, but I don’t know for sure that there are any specific reasons. Things just didn’t work out.”

“You never dated another athlete on campus?”

Layne shook her head and said, “Probably would’ve been smarter, right?” She chuckled a little. “They’d at least understand how it all works.”

“Maybe that’s where I went wrong, too,” Shay noted, thinking about Eliza and how her now-ex never really seemed to understand. “You know how it all works.”

“Yeah. Obviously.” Layne laughed a little and looked at her hand that was still on Shay’s arm. “Oh, sorry.” She removed her hand from Shay’s body, and Shay wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol doing things to her, or if it was the fact that she’d finally figured out that Layne Stoll was hot. “Probably stupid to worry about it now, huh?”


“Because I’m graduating soon and moving to Chicago for an internship that, hopefully, will lead to a job offer.”

“Chicago has a WNBA team,” Shay said softly before she leaned down and kissed Layne.

Layne didn’t kiss her back at first. Shay stood frozen, with her lips now unmoving and still attached to Layne’s. If she pulled away, though, she’d have to see Layne’s reaction, and she wasn’t ready for that yet. She’d turned stone-cold sober the moment her lips had met Layne’s, so she would, unfortunately, remember this very embarrassing moment tomorrow when she woke up. She went to finally pull back and accept the consequences of her stupid actions, when Layne’s hand moved to the back of her head, held Shay in place, and her lips began to move.

Shay was kissing Layne Stoll. No, they were kissing each other, and it was good. Well, except for the angle, so Shay moved to straddle Layne, and Layne held on to her as they both deepened the kiss.

“God, you can kiss,” Shay let out before she went in for more.

Layne’s hands were on her back. They’d been moving, but they stopped. Then, Layne’s lips stopped, too, and she pulled out of the kiss.

“What? What’s wrong? I can text Roy and tell her to crash somewhere–”

“We can’t do this,” Layne interrupted and looked away from her. “You’re drunk. You don’t want this.”

“I’m not drunk. And I kissed you, Layne.”

“It’s been a long night, and we’re both a little on edge with everything. You just got out of a relationship, and–”

“Did you want to kiss me just now?” she asked as she climbed off of Layne.

“We’re teammates, and–”

“That’s not an answer,” Shay interjected, taking a step back. “And I don’t need you to worry about my previous relationship.”

“We just kissed, and she just broke up with–”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” she interrupted again. “I’m going to go.”