Page 122 of Making It Count

“You know, she never had a chance to come out to him, so he didn’t know she’d be marrying a woman one day.”

“Yeah, she told me that.”

“He wouldn’t care at all. I’ve told her that. But you make sure she hears it if she needs to. He loved that child like I’ve never seen a dad love a kid before.” Layne’s mom shook her head. “And Layne deserved to have him around for a lot longer. But he’s in her. I’m the impulsive one. He never was. And Layne got that from him. She’s quiet, thoughtful, and so smart at the same things he was. I love thinking about that, you know?”

“You two raised an amazing woman, and I feel lucky every day that she chose me.”

“She chooses you,” Layne’s mom corrected.


“She chooses you. That’s how it works. Everybody likes to say that someone chose them, like it’s some kind of a one-time deal. But you keep choosing the person you’re with. I chose him every day. When he got sick, I didn’t choose something else. I chose him. I chose to try my best to help him get better and then, to make sure it was as easy as it could be for him in the end. Layne chooses you every day. And from what she told me a while ago, she chose you even before you knew she liked you.”

Shay laughed and said, “She had a crush. It’s cute.”

“I think it was maybe more than a crush.”

“Maybe a little, yeah,” Shay agreed.

“When are you going to ask her?”

“We’re going back to Dunbar for the last home game of the season. It’s a whole thing, to celebrate the championship team or something. Coach will be there, and so will the other players from that season. I was thinking about doing it there, maybe.”

“In front of everyone?”

“Oh, no. She’d hate that.” Shay shook her head. “Just there somewhere, but we’d be alone.”

“Well, I’d wish you luck, but you don’t need it. She’s going to say yes.”

“Why am I so nervous, then?”

“I think that’s normal, Shay.” Layne’s mom patted Shay’s hand. “You keep treating her right.”

“I will. Always,” Shay confirmed.


“Why are they doing this three years later?” Layne asked when they pulled into the parking lot. “Why not five years or ten?”

“I don’t know, babe,” Shay replied. “Coach just said they wanted to celebrate. Maybe it’s because they’re going back to the conference tournament this year and have a chance at getting back to the big tourney. We’re there to shake hands and kiss babies or something.”

“I don’t think we’re supposed to kiss any babies,” Layne said.

“We’re supposed to sit, watch the game with everyone, and then go out on the court at halftime to let them say nice things about us. So, let’s just do that, and then we can watch the rest of the game and go to our hotel room.”

“I didn’t get us a room. I thought we’d just stay in the dorm and cram into a twin bed again.”

Shay tilted her head.

“Kidding.” Layne chuckled. “I got us a room.”

“You better have gotten us a room,” Shay replied.

They walked inside hand in hand and met up with the rest of the team who could return. Hilton and Roy were there. Ledger couldn’t make it. Martin was there, too, even though she hadn’t been on that team. The coaching staff, Michaels, and Jameson, too. It was just an excuse for them to all see each other, look up at the banners that had been hung in their small gym, recognizing their championship run, and for Dunbar to bring them on the court to celebrate them again, which would probably bring in some donations to the school. Shay signed a few autographs, which was still something that she was getting used to, and they took their seats. Layne’s arm went over her shoulders as it did whenever they went to a game like this. Shay leaned into her and felt Layne’s lips on the top of her head.

When it was close to halftime, their peace was disturbed to go on to the court. There was a speech, some applause, and they all waved at the crowd. Shay didn’t pay attention to any of it, but she smiled and waved until it was time for them to go back to their seats.

“Hey, want to go somewhere with me?” she asked.