Page 99 of Future Like This

“We made a decision,” I clarify, but she snorts at that.

“Please. I decided while you affirmed my every thought. It was sweet, but you did not help.”

“Solidarity, babe.” I squeeze her thigh.

“We don’t want to upset anyone or alienate anyone, but—”

“Hey, remember what we said earlier about doing the things that are right for us and make us happy?” Aaron asks. “Don’t stress. This is your wedding.”

Amelia smiles and sits a bit straighter. “Okay, we’re each going to have one person stand up with us. Dani?”

Dani throws her arm up in the air. “Hell yes. I’ve got you. We can go shopping for my dress next weekend.”

I turn to Mackie. “Mackenzie Montoya, will you do me the honor of being my best—well, I actually haven’t come up with a good word, but I need my partner in crime up there with me.”

She throws her head back, laughing. “I’m in. I would be honored to be your best maiden, bitch, bro, whatever you want to call me.”

“How do you feel about wearing a burgundy suit?”

Her eyes light up. “Oh, yes. I love that. Fitted and paired with some sexy black booties?”

“Uh, yes,” Amanda says, taking notes on her phone. “That’ll be gorgeous. I’ll call Leigh later and get appointments set up for both you and Dani.”

“Just so you know, we still want all of you to be actively involved with the wedding,” I say.

“Trust me, you’re not going to stop us all from helping out and roasting you with some speeches,” Aaron says.

“And I’ll make you cry,” Rae adds, smiling brightly as she boops Emmie’s nose. Emmie laughs. Her tiny baby laugh melts me every time.

From across the room, Amelia’s phone goes off, and she sighs. “Probably one of the interns at work nagging me about something.” She pushes out of her chair to go check.

When she went back to work after Emmie, she cut back on her hours and made it clear she wouldn’t be staying late or working overtime anymore unless it was completely necessary. Our bosses only ask that of people if we get a massive new contract, but even then, they try to limit it. Usually it’s other employees asking if support staff will do that. Amelia rides into work with me each day now, and we’re both ready to go at the end of our day to get home to Emmie.

“Oh my god.” Amelia’s sharp cry has me out of my chair and across the room in milliseconds. “Okay, bye,” she mutters into her phone, hanging up as I get to her.

“Baby, what is it?”

“My mom… she’s going to the hospital.” Tears plaster her cheeks, and she tries to catch her breath. “It happened this time. It really happened.”

“What did?” My heart is hammering against my ribs, but I ignore it. She needs me.

“A stroke. That was Noelle. She was there. She saw it happen. Her face was drooping. She couldn’t move or—or talk. She—”

“I’ve got you,” I murmur, stroking her hair as she leans against me. “We’ll go to the hospital.”

“We’ve got Emmie,” Rae says. “Take my car and leave your keys. That way, we can take her down to your place.”

“Thanks,” I whisper.

“No, I’ll drive you,” Dani says. She runs to grab her purse and Amelia’s, then comes back to us. “Ready?”

Amelia lifts her head from my chest and looks around at everyone. She walks to Rae and kisses Emmie’s head. “I love you, baby.” She looks at Rae. “There’s plenty of milk in the freezer.”

“We’ll handle it,” Aaron says, stepping up to hug Amelia. She cries against him for a second, then steps away.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Love you guys. Let us know if you need anything,” Rae says.