Page 90 of Future Like This



Hardware stores are the bane of my existence. I never know what I’m looking for or where to find it, and half the people who work here try to mansplain things to me.

I’m not into it.

I’m a fairly capable human being. I can put shit together and fix basic things if there’s a YouTube tutorial on it, but actually finding the things I need? I’m like a lost puppy. Send me to an auto parts store and I’m fine. I spent summers with my dad fixing up cars. That’s easy. Right now, though? I’m wandering through the hardware store because my mom just texted me a list of little parts needed to fix a piece of equipment at the bakery.

My phone buzzes, and I quickly check it.

Miles: I hate this.

Me: How’s Emmie doing?

Miles: Sick. So sick. No one told me I’d feel like someone was ripping my heart out when my kid got sick. Got medicine from the doc and just gave it to her. Hopefully it helps.

Poor Emmie has been sick for a few days, and my best friend is understandably at the end of his rope. I’d go to the hardware store every single day and get mansplained to if it meant Emmie would feel better.

Me: Do you need anything? Food? A hug?

Miles: We’re okay. I mean, I’ll never say no to a hug, but mostly, I’m just burned out and feel like I might have a heart attack any second.

My face scrunches as I read the words. I wish I could help him more. When he gets like this, his anxiety just keeps ramping up. In the past, I’d show up whether he said he needed me or not, but things are different now, and I trust Amelia to be able to help him. She might not help him the exact same way I do, but her help is what he needs. I’m grateful he fell for someone who loves him as much as he loves her. It might seem silly, but I was worried about that with him.

Miles is deeply loyal and loving. He doesn’t give up easily. I was a little worried when he did finally meet someone that he’d struggle to recognize any problems. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case, and Amelia’s love for him is clear. Still, I wish I could help all three of them now.

Me: How about if I come over tomorrow morning? I’ll bring breakfast sandwiches and coffee, and I can hang with Emmie if you two need to rest.

Miles: I fucking love you, Mackenzie Montoya.

I smile at that, then quickly type out a reply.

Me: Obviously. I’m awesome.

Me: Love you all. Kiss Emmie for me.

Miles: Will do.


Miles: Heard loud and clear.

Me: Good.

Shaking my head, I flick the phone screen off, then refocus on my mission.

I find the aisle that says “hardware” and aim for it, hoping I’ll find everything I need there. When I’m almost there, a cart swings out from the aisle in front of me, and suddenly, I’m face-to-face with Hyla.

“Mackenzie,” she breathes.

“Hi.” Great, I sound breathy. I look down at her cart. It’s filled with paint, organizers, and shelving units.

Hyla’s eyes widen slightly. “I’m, uh, doing some redecorating.” She’s acting as strange as I feel inside. There’s been more tension between us since my breakup with Mari when she took care of me and then her essentially leading me right to my dream job. It’s not bad tension. We’re always happy to see each other, and things are good. But there’s this what the hell is going on tension underlying every interaction lately. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to exist around her.

“Oh. Nice.”

“What are you doing here?”