Page 53 of Future Like This

Is it?

Going to a wedding probably won’t help me shake these thoughts off.

Amelia, catching me staring at her like a love-drunk idiot, cocks an eyebrow. “You okay?”

“Perfect,” I say, flashing the smoothest smile I can. “Do you have everything you need?”

She squints at my subject change, then shakes her head and looks back at her list. “I think so.” She’s surrounded by shoes and bags of various hair and makeup items. She turns back to me and smiles, then leans up and kisses me before stealing Emmie from me again. “Grab your coat, and I’ll put her in the car seat.”

“Only if you wait here with her while I carry your stuff down to the car. You’re still not cleared to carry much.”

She gives me that stubborn look like she wants to fight me, but just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “I don’t think any of this weighs much, but fine. I’ll allow.”

Coat on, I walk over to her, placing one hand over Emmie’s head, covering her ears as best I can and then slap Amelia’s ass with the other and rumble in her ear, “Good girl.”

Then I quickly kiss her cheek, grab all of our bags, and head out the door, looking back long enough to wink at her.

Her cheeks are flushed, but she’s baby-talking to Emmie, and my heart is on fire. God, I love my girls.

Emmie is nestled on my shoulder as I pace back and forth outside the room where the ceremony is being held. I’m hoping I can get her all the way to sleep before the ceremony starts. She took a bottle of milk surprisingly easily for me, but we’ve been working on introducing them to her since Amelia will eventually go back to work.

Aaron and Joel come down the stairs from where the guys and girls were getting ready. Jesse and Dani just did first looks and a few photos. Now they’re getting ready to actually do the damn thing.

“How’s Emmie girl?” Joel asks as they walk over to me.

“Hopefully close to sleep. I know my mom will take her out here if she starts crying during the ceremony, but then I’ll end up worrying and want to follow, and I’d really like to see Jesse and Dani get married. Not to mention my girl looking smoking hot in her dress.”

“My how far we’ve come since Joel’s wedding when you were scared to give her flowers,” Aaron says.

I glare at him, still moving back and forth. “Shut up.”

“Getting into trouble out here?” Trevor asks, walking around me so he can sneak a look at Emmie. “Gotta give it to you. You made a cute kid.”

“Hopefully yours gets all of Chelsea’s looks,” Joel teases.

“Fuck off.”

“Hey, not in front of Emmie,” I chastise.

“Oh God. We’re hitting that stage of our lives now, aren’t we?” Joel asks. “Soon we’re going to be saying weird phrases in place of swear words.”

“Or yelling ‘earmuffs’ at our kids,” Trevor says with a laugh.

“Is she asleep?” I ask, thinking I heard a tiny snore.

“Looks like it,” Trevor says.

“Do we need to be quieter?” Aaron asks.

“No, she’s usually fine as long as it’s not a sudden noise.” I’m still shifting my weight back and forth. I swear it’s a thing I do now. Whenever she’s in my arms and I’m standing, I naturally start moving.

Trev looks around the decorated space. “So, how many weddings do you think we have left?”

“A handful, probably,” Aaron says. “Depending on who marries who and if anyone fucks theirs up and has to try again.”

Joel snickers at that. “Who do we think will be next?”

“Well, I would’ve said Trevor, but you skipped that and went straight for the baby.” My eyes dance as I say the words. Trevor is always a fun bear to poke.