Page 97 of Future Like This

“What is it? Is everything okay?”

I hold my finger up to my lips and nod toward Emmie.

My gaze on his, I smile, then turn my phone toward him. “I got in.” My voice cracks. I can’t believe it. I got into law school. The program I wanted. I’m actually going to become a lawyer.

Miles’s eyes focus on the screen, then he looks back at me. A second later, his arms are around me, and he’s squeezing me so tightly I can barely breathe. “Fuck yes, baby. I’m so proud of you.” He kisses me. “You’re going to be incredible.” Another kiss. “Amazing.” More kisses. “Stunning.”

“I’m not sure if that will help at law school.”

He pinches my butt and pins me with a look. “I wasn’t talking about how gorgeous you are. I meant how stunning you are as a person. Brilliant and hard working. You amaze me. That will help you be successful at law school. You’re going to kill it.”

I loop my arms around his neck and lean against him. “I can’t wait. I really… wasn’t sure how excited I’d be, but now that I know I get to do it, I’m so happy. Thank you for encouraging me to do this.”

“Always. You deserve to live your best life, Ames. I’m here to help you do that.”

“Mm. Back at you.”

He chuckles. “I’ve got a job I love, a beautiful little girl, and soon I get to call you my wife. There’s no better life than that.”

He kisses me again, and I give in, just like I did at The Rooftop that night. Gave in to the chemistry and the desire and the feeling pulling me toward him I didn’t understand yet. Now I do. It was love—our love. Our family. Our life together. It was the future I was meant to have. I just didn’t know it yet.

Chapter fifteen

Stop and Become


“Only a month and a half more. You ready to be off the market?” Trevor teases as we stand near the table in the open dining room and kitchen of the farmhouse. We’re having dinner together and then we’re going to watch Jamie’s game on TV. We just got here, but the guys have already started in about the bachelor party and everything else wedding related.

I glance down at Emmie, who is snuggled into my chest and pawing at my shirt. “I’ve been off the market for more than a year. And please feel free to skip any jokes about only being with one person for the rest of my life. For a bunch of married guys, you’re really being assholes about this.”

“Only for you,” Aaron says with a wink, and I roll my eyes. “C’mon, we give each other shit. You’re one of the last to get married.”

“First of all, watch your language in front of my daughter. Second, only because you guys were infants.” I give Aaron a pointed look. He rolls his eyes in return.

“Hey, I was twenty-five,” Jesse says. “Almost. That’s more than reasonable. Not everyone here wanted to get married at sixteen.”

Everyone’s gaze goes to Aaron. He doesn’t even deny it. “Yeah. If we’d figured our shi—stuff out sooner, I probably would’ve proposed in high school. If it’s meant to be—”

“Get married as teenagers,” Joel says with a laugh. “I love Sarah, and calling her my wife now is the best thing in the world, but I could not imagine being married at sixteen.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty Naley,” Trev says.

I cover Emmie’s ears before asking, “The fuck did you just say?”

“Naley. Nathan and Haley?” I stare at him blankly, so he rolls his eyes. “One Tree Hill? They got married at sixteen. It was a whole thing. God, you’re like Jon Snow knowing fu—fudging nothing.”

I point at him. “Now Jon Snow I know all about. Had the hottest girl in the show and married her in real life.” I look over my shoulder at Amelia, who is laughing with the girls.

“Sure, that you know,” Trevor says, but I’m mostly ignoring him. Call me a possessive asshole, but my girl is too far away. Ever since I proposed, I can’t keep my hands off her.

“Oh, there he goes,” Joel says as I walk across the room to Amelia. “I knew he’d be the first to break the seal tonight. Can’t keep his hands off his girl.”

“Like you’re any better,” I toss back, not glancing in their direction.

Amelia smiles up at me as I walk over and wrap my free arm around her. Emmie coos happily when she sees Amelia. The rest of the guys join us, and I fight back a smug smile. They’re all as obsessed as I am.

Aaron’s hands are all over Rae’s stomach. She’s due in about two months, just after our wedding.