Page 91 of Future Like This

“Need some hardware to fix something at the bakery.”

Her eyebrows shoot up and she smiles. “Want any help? I feel like I’ve lived in this store lately. I think I know where everything is.”

“That would be great.” Though my words are rushed, my muscles relax.

She spins her cart around, and we walk side by side to the hardware aisle.

“How’s work been?” I ask.

She smiles brightly. It’s her most natural smile. “Awesome.”


“I really love this job. I knew it would be fun, but I genuinely love it. I still get to live in Ida, but I get to travel and meet new people—while being paid for it. It’s awesome. I’m traveling with a baseball team out of Syracuse right now, and the guys are a ton of fun. Sometimes the wives or girlfriends come along too and they always add an extra layer of fun. I love just watching the dynamics of the players and the families. My coworkers are great. I’m just… lucky.”

I elbow her lightly. “I don’t think it’s luck. I think it’s passion and finally knowing yourself. I love seeing it.”

She stops as we turn down the hardware aisle. “What about you? How’s Cocoa? And the nonprofit plans? I haven’t talked to Lana in a couple of weeks.”

“Cocoa is good. She’s being spoiled by my mom right now. And we’ve almost got all our ducks in a row, ready to file incorporation documents. We’re trying to make sure we have everything lined up first. It’s a lot, but it’s exciting. We should be launching in the next few months.”

“That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.”

Hyla’s cheeks tint pink as she smiles at me. It’s raw and vibrant, if a little hesitant.

Still no idea what we’re doing, but I don’t hate it, either.

“So, uh, what are we looking for?”

I show her the list my mom sent me, and we make quick work of finding everything. Once I’m finished, we each pay, then walk out to the parking lot together. I parked right by her car, but she has a dark gray Honda Accord. There are like a thousand of those, so I didn’t think twice about it being her car.

After tossing my bag of hardware into my car, I help her load everything in the back of hers.

Then we stand together awkwardly, since that seems to be the extent of our abilities around each other these days.

“Well, have fun redecorating.”

Her eyebrows pop up, and she glances back at her car. “Oh, uh, yeah. I will. Thanks.”

“Thanks for helping me.”

“No problem.”

We stare at each other for a moment more. I don’t want to walk away from her, but I don’t know what else to say either. And I know my mom wants to get the equipment fixed.

“I should probably get going.”

“Right,” she says, voice airy. “Of course.”

One more awkward stare, and I finally step back. “Have a good night, Hy.”

“You too.”

With a breath out, I turn toward my car, but I don’t make it a step before Hyla’s hand is on my arm.

“Mackenzie.” Her voice is low and soft. Almost sultry.

I spin around in an instant, staring at her gorgeous face. Long, sunkissed blonde hair falling over her shoulders and framing her face.