Page 57 of Future Like This

“I was afraid it would hurt since I wouldn’t have that as much with my mom, but it fills my heart. Our daughter is going to grow up so deeply loved.”

Miles stares at me for a moment, then kisses me. It’s hard and fervent. Desperate, like he can’t show me his love fast enough.

“You set my heart on fire,” he murmurs as he lifts his lips from mine.

“It goes both ways, handsome.” I rest my hand over his heart and look into his eyes. “Thank you for being patient with me. For continuing to be patient.”

“We’re still learning,” he says quickly, almost dismissively, like I never need to be worried about that. I don’t. Truly, I never have to worry about this man not loving me.

I was always in awe of my parents’ relationship. It was strong, respectful, and full of love. My parents understood what they had with each other and never took it for granted. They loved each other and me deeply. But this is different. The way Miles loves is effusive. It seeps into every pore, runs through my veins, and surrounds my heart, healing it and protecting it from harm. I didn’t know love like this existed and I certainly never thought I’d have it. It’s that love that gives me safety. It allows me to be messy while urging me to be the best version of myself because we both deserve that. With him, I’m understood in a way I barely understand myself, and yet, I return that understanding. Knowing when his anxiety spikes before he’s acknowledged it himself. Seeing through his worry and fears. I know his heart in a way I didn’t think it was possible to know another person.

Love hit me harder than I ever could’ve anticipated, and I know what we have is rare. It’s worth working on and fighting for. It deserves to be protected and honored. I want to do that. I’m ready to.

This time last year, I couldn’t have imagined that I’d be a mom dreaming of getting married, but this is the life I ached for deep inside. Every time I cried at a romance movie then chastised myself for it, I was aching for this. For the love I watched my parents share and so much more.

I’m hoping he feels the same because I have a plan to show him, even if it is a bit unconventional.

Miles pulls me closer, fingers twisting through my hair, and I melt into him, enjoying every second of this love drunk, completely blissed-out feeling.

Beautiful moments don’t always last long, but they should be cherished while they’re happening.

“So, has this been the wedding of your dreams?” I ask Dani as I help her fix her dress after she finishes using the bathroom.

“Completely. I’m perfectly spoiled. And incredibly lucky. Being in love is kind of awesome. At least when it’s with the right person.”

We both laugh at that.

“It definitely is,” I agree.

I open the bathroom door and hold it so she can walk out in her gorgeous semi-poofy dress.

“Just think, when we first met, we’d both sworn off love and were afraid to fall. For different reasons, but we were. Now here we are.”

“Here we are. I have a baby and you’re married,” I say with a laugh as we walk back into the ballroom.

“Think you’ll be the next one to get married?”

I school my features before she looks at me because she’s in full loved-up wedding mode and will grill me with questions if she gets even a hint that I might be thinking about that.

I shrug and noncommittally say, “Maybe.”

She stops and cocks an eyebrow at me, then smiles wickedly at me. “Well, I guess it’s time to find out.”

I stop moving and look at her, already worried about where this is going. “What do you mean?”

She nods toward the DJ, and I realize the music has stopped. He has a microphone in his hand and begins speaking, calling all the not married or engaged girls onto the floor to find out who’s next.

Dani grabs my wrist and drags me behind her, weaving through the tables. As we get closer to the dance floor, Rae hands Dani her bouquet, and I watch as the floor fills up with women, some excitedly waiting for a chance to catch the bouquet and others out here for the fun of it.

I fall in the latter camp and take a spot near the middle of the group, close to both Chelsea and Olivia.

“I was half expecting you to still be sitting down, then casually say you and Trevor are already married.”

Chelsea laughs. “Not yet. We’ve thought about going to the courthouse, and we’ll probably get married before the baby comes, but weddings, while fun, aren’t a huge deal to me.”

Olivia leans toward us and says, “And miss out on all this chaos?” She shakes her head. “I go back and forth. I don’t think I could imagine getting married without my family, though.”

I nod vaguely, but my mind is on what Chelsea said, or rather what it inspired in me. I want a wedding. More than I ever realized. I want a perfect proposal and a beautiful wedding. Maybe not quite this extravagant, but I want one. I’ve had to give up on so many traditions and beautiful things in my life because of what I’ve lost. That’s one thing I don’t ever want to give up. My love deserves to be celebrated, damn it.