Page 51 of Future Like This

“Rude. I’m hungover, hangry, and heartbroken, and you’re teasing me.” She pouts dramatically. Then, incredibly quietly, she says, “Am I crazy to still want Hyla? To believe we still have a chance?”

I walk over and put my hand on her shoulder. “Macks, I’m madly in love with a girl I didn’t know this time last year, and I have a kid. Nothing is crazy.”

She laughs, then groans. “Head. Hurts.”

I nod, take the note and set it on the coffee table, then grab her hand. “I know what you need. Come on. Grab your phone, shoes, and a jacket,” I say as I drag her toward the door.

She yanks her phone off the kitchen counter, shoves her feet in her boots, and grabs a jacket, only grumbling a little as I drag her with me.

“You may have been correct about this,” Mackie says from the corner of the couch. Emmie is asleep on her chest, and Mackie is enjoying a giant plate of French toast. “Baby snuggles and good food.” She sets the plate to the side and runs her hand over Emmie’s head. “But especially the baby snuggles. Moments like this almost convince me I want kids. Thankfully, all of you guys seem to want them, so I can just steal yours.”

Amelia laughs at that. “Solid plan. I can’t promise you a whole brood though. Maybe one more. One day.” She gestures to her stomach. “This is too fresh to think about that right now.”

I lean down and kiss her. “That’s for future us to decide. For now, we’ll enjoy the brand new one.”

“Anyway, back to the story,” Amelia says, and I lean my elbows on the back of the couch, waiting to hear more. “She really told you she still loved you?”

Mackie kisses Emmie’s head, then lets out a long sigh and nods. “Yeah. I was half-asleep and still somewhat drunk, but I am certain I did not dream it. I have no idea how I feel about it. For a long time, that’s all I wanted to hear. Now my heart is all over the place.”

“What did the note she left you say?” I ask.

She musters a weak smile. “That she’s always here for me, and even though I was drunk as a skunk, last night was one of the best she’d had in a while because she was with me. She said to call her tonight.”

“Are you going to?” Amelia asks. I laugh internally. She’s one of us for sure. Actively involved in the other’s lives—especially the love lives.

“Yeah. I don’t know where things could go at this point or what I want, but she’s still one of my favorite people.” The words come out in a rush and her cheeks heat. Then she shakes her head and groans. “I feel like a dumpster fire.”

“At least that means you’re hot,” Amelia says with a smile.

“Can I trade him in for you?” Mackie says, pointing at me. “Because that was much nicer than the look he gave me when I opened the door this morning.”

Amelia’s mouth drops, then she laughs.

I cross my arms over my chest. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Your face did,” Mackie snorts.

I roll my eyes and walk around the couch, sitting down on the coffee table and looking at my best friend. “You know I don’t care what you look like or what you’re going through. Hot mess or calm and wise, you’re my best friend. I’m always going to be here for you. Only now I’m a package deal. Three for the price of one. You don’t need to worry about taking me from my family to be here for you. We’re all here for you. We all love you.”

Amelia reaches over and takes her hand, nodding.

“I second that,” Rae says, walking through the front door with Aaron, Sarah, and Joel.

“Yeah, and we’re all in this together,” Sarah says. “Or do I need to sing the song to remind you?”

Mackie laughs. “Oh my god. How many times did we watch that movie?”

“Too many,” Aaron and Joel say at the same time.

“We were obsessed with High School Musical,” Rae says with a laugh.

“How many times did you watch it?” Amelia teases me.

I slide over closer to her. “At least twice. Why? Haven’t you ever seen it?”

She shrugs, but a moment later, she’s humming the song. I laugh and kiss her head as Mackie looks around the room with teary eyes.

“I love you guys.”