Page 37 of Future Like This

I can’t help but snicker at that. Apparently, Miles inherited his dirty talking genes. Not something I thought I would learn the day my daughter entered this world—or ever—but here we are.

Though there’s a prick in my chest that my parents aren’t here to see this or join in the silliness, I’m grateful for the family we have, and I look forward to my mother meeting Emmie in whatever capacity as soon as possible.

“She’s so tiny,” Dani whispers, brushing her fingers over Emmie’s hand as Rae holds her. “And absolutely perfect.”

“Also, a nice reminder I am so not ready for babies yet,” Jesse says, eyes still a little wide. When Dani convinced him to hold her, he looked terrified he might break her.

Rae laughs, and Dani rubs his shoulder. “I know, babe. There’s no rush.”

Jesse nods, then glances at Aaron and Rae as Rae slips Emmie into Aaron’s arms. “All the good baby-making vibes or whatever the hell people say to you two.”

“Thanks, J,” Rae says between laughs.

“It’s better than his original statement, which I believe was good luck knocking her up,” Aaron says with a laugh.

Aaron makes a silly face at Emmie and whisper-talks to her, and Rae looks like she might melt into a puddle on the floor. I get it. There’s something about seeing the man you love being adorable with a baby that makes your body go haywire.

“Well said, J,” Mackenzie teases.

Jesse rolls his eyes.

Sarah and Joel stand next to Aaron, looking down at Emmie.

“She’s adorable,” Sarah says. “And an upside of the C-section is no conehead.”

I laugh at that. “All the nurses keep telling me that. Her head is perfectly round. They also told me she is a genuinely cute baby.” I shift my gaze to Rae. “Is she?”

Rae laughs and nods. “Definitely. I’ll be stopping by regularly to fawn over her cuteness and sneak some baby snuggles.”

“I think this little one needs her mama,” Aaron says, walking over with Emmie as she rubs her face over his shirt, searching for a nipple.

“Are you hungry, little girl?” I ask, taking her and positioning her as Miles undoes the buttons on my gown. I’m looking forward to putting a nursing tank on so I can feed her more easily.

She latches on without issue, and I’m thankful for that. I don’t think I’m someone who could’ve hung on through extreme nipple pain to try to feed her that way. She’s a hard sucker and a fast eater which, other than making herself gassy, the nurses said is a good thing. It means she’s getting enough milk. This is the third time feeding since she was born. My milk has been coming in more with each feeding, so I’m hopeful my supply will keep up with her.

“We should probably get out of your hair,” Dani says. “Plus, visiting hours are up soon.”

I glance up at Miles.

“Actually, uh, Mackie and Dani, could you two hang back a minute?” Miles asks.

“Sure,” Mackie says.

“Of course,” Dani adds.

Everyone else gives hugs and says their goodbyes, then they head out. Miles’s parents left after their visit, though I’m certain Katie will be waiting outside the hospital for visiting hours to begin tomorrow morning.

“Are we in trouble?” Mackie jokes.

“Usually,” Miles deadpans, then he smiles.

“No trouble. Not this time. We wanted you both to stay because when we were talking about godparents, we decided we wanted her to have two, but it didn’t matter to us if it was one godfather and one godmother. In fact, we agreed that Emmie deserves two fierce godmothers, which is what we’d like you both to be.”

“Oh,” Dani whispers, walking over to me. “I would be honored to be this beautiful little girl’s godmother.”

“Macks?” Miles asks. Mackie is facing the other way, so he walks over and spins her around, only to find that she’s crying. “Mackie,” he whispers, pulling her into his arms.

“I would be honored,” she blubbers. “I already love her so much. And I love you both.” She sniffs and wipes her eyes, then looks up at Miles. “Especially you.”