Page 34 of Future Like This

I unwrap Emmie’s swaddle, then carefully place her on Amelia’s chest, keeping my hands on her until Amelia has a good hold on her. Emmie cries for a second, but then the nurse helps position her, and she latches right on to Amelia’s boob.

I get it, kid. They’re great.

Amelia looks down at her in awe and gently runs her thumb over Emmie’s head as she nurses.

She is so fucking stunning. My superwoman. She grew our baby and nourished her for nine months. Now she’s continuing to do it in a recovery room after having her body cut open. Find me a man who could do that. You can’t. There isn’t one. Women are fucking incredible and deserve to be worshipped.

The nurse hands me a little card to fill out which will go in Emmie’s bassinet here at the hospital. It already has her date and time of birth—December sixteenth at 7:42 p.m.—along with her weight and length. I write down her name and our names on the card and hand it back.

Squatting down, I rest my chin on the bed next to Amelia’s head. “How’s she doing?”

“Perfect. Everything about her is perfect,” she says, voice filled with love.

“And how are you?”

“Tingly,” she says with a smile. “So many weird sensations, but it’s hard to care with her on my chest.”

I kiss her forehead and rest my hand on Emmie’s back. “You did amazing. You’re still doing amazing. That word is not strong enough. I’m in awe of you.”

She smiles up at me. “Thank you. I know I could do this alone if I had to, but I’m so grateful I get to do it with you.”

“We’re a good team,” I whisper. “All three of us.”

Amelia runs her finger down Emmie’s cheek, then smiles as Emmie’s mouth opens slightly and falls off her nipple. She’s out cold.

The nurse looks down and laughs. “Good job, Mom.” She helps readjust Emmie so she’s in a more comfortable position for Amelia.

“Do you want me to take her again?” I ask, mostly because I want nothing more than to hold my baby girl again, but Amelia shakes her head.

“I need a few more minutes. Besides, you need to go tell everyone she’s here.”

My eyes widen. “I forgot about that.”

“Well, she’s a pretty good distraction,” Amelia says.

“Definitely.” I stare at my girls for a moment more, then kiss them each on the head. “I’ll be back soon.”

Amelia reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Love you, baby daddy.”

“Love you too, Superwoman.”

I wink at her, then walk out of the room and down the hallway that leads to the waiting room.

As soon as they see me coming, everyone stands up.

“Are you a daddy?” Ma asks.

“I am. Amelia did great, and we have an eight-pound baby girl named Emmie.”

“Oh my god, I love that,” Dani says.

“Adorable,” Rae agrees.

I step over to my mother and take her hands. “Emmie Mae Hyun-Hansen. For both of her grandmothers.”

Ma’s eyes widen then narrow again. “Both?”

“That’s Eileen’s middle name too,” I say, trying not to choke up.