Page 26 of Sight Unseen

This is all based on a hunch; the demon could have just not been after me. I honestly don’t know what happened that night; everything moved so quickly it was like time was in fast forward.

We will never know unless we test out the theory, Diana. Incorporeal isn’t a common gift, and it would greatly help us if you had it and if you could use it to cover your group during a fight.

“No pressure then,” I said with a bit too much sarcasm.

“No pressure for what, bunny?” Atlas said, coming up to walk on my other side. My body immediately relaxed at his presence; he makes me feel calm and safe.

I didn't mean to say that out loud. Stupid mind not working before my mouth opened.

“Ooh, I was just talking to Isarr about possibly having the great gift of invisibility.” Rolling my eyes, I glanced over at Atlas.

He chuckled at my comment. “Diana, having that gift is incredibly rare and valuable. We just need to know if you possess the ability, and if not, then what ability you do have.”

“What gift do you have, and what is your last name? I slept with you and Eros last night, but I don’t even know either of your last names. Isn’t that something that’s typically covered on a first date?” I asked when we entered the training field. The flowers were still just as beautiful, adding a splash of color to the green grass. The sun was high in the sky with no clouds blocking us from its sharp rays.

A smile lit up his whole face as he turned to look at me. “Usually, yes, names are given on first dates, but we never actually had a date, bunny. To appease your curiosity, it's Eros Bacchus, and he has bird sight, and mine is Atlas Dion, and I’m a storm maker.”

Suddenly, the beautiful day turned dark as huge black clouds filled the sky. Thunder boomed, and lightning danced across the vast open space. I was completely awestruck. Was he doing this? The smile across his face was answer enough, but the way he pointed his finger to the sky, moving it in a clockwise motion, answered that question. Yup, he defiantly was, and it was fucking badass.

“Atlas, that's enough!” Apollo shouted over the defining sound of thunder filling the air. He stopped right before the rocks at the end of the field, Orpheus coming up to greet him.

As quickly as it came, the storm left, leaving the sky a bright blue and the sun shining down on us once again.

“That was fucking amazing, but you know you could have left some clouds in the sky for some shade., I said, pecking Atlas quickly on the lips before turning to face Apollo.

“Okay, so what now?” I still had no clue how to even summon my gift. “How do I get it to work?”

Apollo shook his head. “You do not simply get it to work. It is an extension of yourself. Like your brain telling your arm to lift, and it does, you call on your gift, and it will come.” Fire danced in his open palm, flailing up at least a foot in his hand.

My jaw hit the ground as I was stunned, speechless for the second time today. “Holy shit, you can wield fire?” The question was stupid because, of course, he could; he was holding fucking flame in his hand and wasn’t getting burned. I still couldn’t stop the words from flying out of my mouth.

“Well, it’s definitely not water,” Apollo said with so much sarcasm in his voice I wanted to punch him in his smug fucking face.

“You know, some help and not sarcastic ass comments would be nice!” I threw back his way as the others just gaped at me for talking to him like that while he’s sporting a look that seemed like he was contemplating strangling me. Well, too bad, I was sick and tired of Apollo treating me like dirt.

Eros stepped between us, cutting my view from the infuriating man, and took my hands in his. “You have to envision it, calm your mind, and bring your gift to the surface; imagine what you want and picture it.”

Nodding my head, I closed my eyes and tried to picture myself going invisible. I thought back to that night in my room and everything I was feeling.

Nothing is happening. Are you sure you're thinking about what you want to happen? It won't work if you don’t want it.

“I am Isarr! I’m trying here. I’m still all new to this, remember? And I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.” Pulling back his lips, he fucking growled at me, and I snapped my mouth shut.

Okay, Diana, don’t piss off the wolf that could kill you in a split second.

I’m not going to kill you girl, but you could watch the way you speak to me. I am not some pup you can lash out at when things get tough. Now, open your mind and envision it!

I released Eros's hands and took a few steps back, firmly planting my feet to ground myself. Feeling a slight prickling at the back of my mind, I mentally tugged on the thread, willing with everything I had in me to go incorporeal.

Peeking my eyes open, I glanced around at the others; their blank expressions showed me that it didn't work and I was still fully visible. “This is fucking stupid, I don’t know what happened that night, but this isn’t working.”

“Maybe we need to introduce you to the demons again to see if that brings out your gift,” Apollo said with a straight face as everyone’s head whipped to him.

All three men shouted at the same time. While Onasis stayed silent, making me wonder if she knew about his plan.

“Are you insane?”

“She’s not ready for that.”