Page 20 of Sight Unseen

Looking at the clock again, it was a quarter past five.

Where the hell were they?

I waited at the bottom of the stairs for Diana and Atlas. I would meet them outside their rooms, but me and Astra are always up an hour earlier, taking in the sights of the sun rising while Astra stretched her wings in the first light of the day. I was always an early riser, and finding out that my falcon liked to fly at dawn, it was a no-brainer that we would be outside to watch the sunrise.

I decided to see what was taking so long, bounding up the steps two at a time before stopping in front of Diana’s door.

“Sweetheart,” I said as I gently knocked. When there was no answer, I slowly opened the door to peek inside. Laying in the middle of the bed, I found Diana sound asleep, nestled into the crook of Atlas’s arm with her head on his chest.

A pang of jealousy and hurt hit me at the sight before I looked over and locked gazes with Atlas’s dark gray eyes. I knew he saw the hurt cross my expression. His features softened as he whispered, “She wants you too, you know.”

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I closed the door and walked over to the bed. “Are you guys planning on coming down? You should get something to eat before sparring today.” My voice was soft and quiet, but Diana stirred under Atlas’s grasp. Light, sleepy gray eyes opened to meet mine.

“Good morning, sweetheart.” I leaned down to kiss her forehead, but she tilted her head back, causing her lips to meet mine. My eyes widened in shock for a heartbeat before closing and relishing in her kiss. I wrapped my hand around her neck to deepen the kiss, plunging my tongue into her mouth to dance with hers.

A sweet flavor hit my taste buds. Almost like vanilla, and I wanted to explore more to see if her sweet cunt tasted the same. Atlas's voice still echoed in my head. I released her mouth to glance his way and was met with a wink. I looked back to Diana to see the need in her eyes. That’s all the permission I needed. I began trailing kisses down her body, stripping her leggings as I went. Spreading her wide, I situated myself at her center. Curling my arms around her thighs and wrapping her legs around my back.

I blew a cool breath against her clit, as Atlas took off her shirt and popped one pert nipple into his mouth.

My eyes widened at the sight of the bars going through her rosy nipples; how did I miss the piercings?

“Eros, please.” She gasped, causing a groan to leave my throat.

“Well, how can I deny you when you ask so kindly,” I said before diving my tongue between her folds.

Sweetness hit my throat; she was fucking delicious. I moaned against her, moving to her clit and inserting a finger into her cunt, pumping in and out in quick succession. Nibbling and sucking, it didn’t take long before she was writhing beneath me. Glancing up, I saw Atlas had his mouth clamped around one nipple, pinching the other between his thumb and finger.

“Ooh fuck! Eros, Atlas, I’m so close. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

The sound of my name leaving her breathless voice made my dick granite. Shivers skated over her body as her orgasm hit hard. Her walls tightened around my fingers as she let out a scream of pure pleasure. Her heels dug into my back. Smiling, I released her clit, looking up at the pure bliss expression on her face.

“Well, good morning to you, Eros.” She said as a smile spread across her mouth.

Standing up, I adjusted my hard dick. “Come on, sweetheart, let's go get you breakfast.” Atlas dashed to his room to get dressed, a smile spread wide across his face while Diana changed. I gave her one last kiss, pulling her into my arms before releasing her too soon and heading down for breakfast.

Chapter 20


My mind was still spinning as I sat down between Atlas and Eros.

Did that seriously just happen? Now, all I could think about was the two beautiful men flanking my sides.

“Today, we will work on your speed in the ring. We need to increase your reaction time. The demons are fast, but our gifts make us capable of being faster.” Apollo turned my way, looking like he hadn't slept in days. Deep, purplish bags sat heavy under his eyes.

I felt bad for him; he looked wrecked. I wondered what was causing him to not sleep. I hope it wasn’t the noise I was making last night that was keeping him up. Atlas assured me that the walls were soundproof. They decided to reinforce them when someone’s gift was an ear-piercing ring and being able to rupture eardrums, which took a while to control. That was one gift I was glad not to have!

Finishing breakfast, the six of us headed to the training room. The sight of all the weapons around the room still surprised me, even though I knew they were there. Stepping up to the mat, I glanced around, looking at the other rings. They were all filled today; the sounds of swords clashing filled the air. It wasn’t like the first time when the room was empty.

Phoenix came up beside me, once again holding two sticks. I took one and entered the square, prepared for anything. There was no way I was going to let him get the jump on me this time. As soon as he stepped over the taped-off line, I jumped, swinging my staff to connect with his side. Blocking, he flipped mine up and over, causing me to adjust my grip before it fell from my hands.

Extending his arm and curling his fingers in a come here move, I pounced. Dropping low, I swiped the staff toward his ankles, which he jumped to avoid while bringing his down to land a blow on my back.

I fell to the mat with a loud oomph, landing on my stomach, not expecting the hit. Looking up, I saw he was ready to strike again; I quickly rolled away from him before he was able to connect with my body. Jumping up, I readied myself and started swinging. He matched me blow for blow, never allowing me to land a hit.

Sweat was pooling on my brow, slowly sliding down the side of my face; this man was infuriating. How is this teaching me anything? All I was learning was that Phoenix really pissed me off.

“You have to widen your stance, Diana. If you keep standing with your legs together, it will cause you to lose balance and not allow you to put any power behind your strikes,” Apollo hollered over the sounds of clashing wood and metal around the room.