Page 12 of Sight Unseen

opening for me to swing out at him. However, my attempts were short-lived; as soon as he deflected, he was right back to putting me on defense.

After what seemed like forever of Phoenix handing me my ass and knocking me flat on my back more times than I could count, Apollo called us to yield. Phoenix took my staff, grumbling an apology, and turned to put them away, leaving Atlas to take his place.

Fuck this is either going to really hurt or turn me on so bad I can’t stand it. Give him a run for his money and show him what you got, girl.

With that voice in my head, I got down in a fighting stance and cocked my head at Atlas. “Bring it on, Casanova, show me what you got.” His eyes heated at my nickname for him before they hardened, and once again, I was face-up on the mat with a very heavy Atlas on top of me.

Chapter 12


Diana was staring up at me with pure lust and desire in her eyes. My cock went granite. It was already hard from watching her in the shower. Fuck this is going to be hard with her body so close to mine. I didn’t want to fight her. I wanted to lift her over my shoulder and take her back to my room so I could worship her.

This woman was full of spunk and an I don’t give a fuck attitude. I loved that about her. She didn’t care what people thought of her and did as she pleased. Now, if only I could get her to voice her desires. Watching her fight with Phoenix turned me on so bad my cock ached to be inside of her.

I imagined the feeling of sinking deep into her wet heat—fantasizing of the places I could lick and run my hands across. Diana’s gaze intensified like she knew what I was thinking, and that did all kinds of shit to my head.

“So are you going to fight me, or are we just going to lay here while you fuck me with your eyes.” She blinked up at me with her long lashes. A waft of mint filled my nose, and I inhaled deep. Fuck, I wanted her scent to surround me.

This girl and her mouth were going to get into a lot of trouble. Now I was thinking of filling it with my cock until tears leaked from her eyes. Jumping up, I adjusted myself; fighting with a stiff cock was going to be tough. I reached down to offer Diana a hand up.

Mischief flashed in her eyes, and before I could think, I was flipped over and flat on my back, with Diana straddling my hips.

“That was a dirty move, little bunny.” Reaching up, I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Lesson one: as soon as you pass over that line, be prepared for anything.” She quoted Phoenix as I heard the asshole laughing from the sidelines.

Okay, bunny. No more playing around. I flipped her off of me and got to my feet. Preparing for what she threw at me next.

Diana came at me with a pretty impressive roundhouse kick. I grabbed her foot and spun her so her back was facing me, and she was balancing on one leg. With less force than I would usually use, I pushed. Leaving her to stumble and catch her balance. She turned to face me with fire burning in her eyes. I knew I just pissed her off, but the look she was giving me lit that fire inside my soul. Yeah, this girl would be mine.

That’s right, bunny. Get mad and show me what you can do.

She jabbed out a series of punches that I blocked with my arms, and a smirk lit my face. Paying too much attention to the punches she was throwing, I missed the kick as it made contact with the side of my left knee, and pain shot up my leg.

“Fuck, you really are playing dirty.” I backed up a bit and decided I was done going easy on her.

Not wanting to bruise her beautiful face, I landed a few blows to her stomach and arms. I put way too much strength behind those hits and tried to reel it in some. She bent in half at my last jab to her stomach, pulling her arms around herself as all the air left her lungs.

“Damn, Atlas. You really don’t know how to rain in your blows. I feel like my stomach just fell out of my ass.” She said between shaky breaths.

“Lesson two: we won’t go easy on you because you're a girl. The demons don’t care if you're male or female. They just kill. I would rather you be banged and bruised on this mat than dead out there.” I followed up my statement with another punch to her chest and a kick to her leg that dropped her to the ground.

On those last few hits, I did pull back some of my strength, but I wouldn’t let her know that. I’ll get her to the point where it’ll be her beating me down on this mat.

Straddling her, I pinned her arms above her head and got right in her face. My dick pressed against the heat between her legs. “This is turning you on, isn’t it? I can feel the need pulsing at your center. You want me to strip you down and fill you so hard you forget your own name. Don’t you, little bunny?”

A deep blush crept across her beautiful, freckled face, and blazing desire filled her wide eyes. Fuck yeah, that’s what my little bunny wanted; she was envisioning it too.

Not caring there were others in the room, she wanted me to fuck her right here; I could see it in the look she was giving me and the wetness that seeped through her leggings.

Unable to control myself any longer, I grasped both her wrists in one hand and trailed the other down her arm, clasping the back of her neck. I angled her head and let my desire take over. Kissing her plump lips that have been fueling my fantasy all day.

She tasted like vanilla. Brushing my tongue against her mouth, demanding entrance, she opened for me without hesitation. I battled with her tongue as my hold tightened in her hair.

“Yield,” Apollo shouted.

With all the strength I could muster, I pulled my mouth from her delicate lips and dropped my forehead against hers. We were both breathing heavily, and I didn’t know if it was from the fight or the intense kiss we just shared.