Page 9 of Sight Unseen

My cock was rock hard at the thought of someone that could match my crazy. That could dive headfirst into my fire and come up unscathed.

Resting my forehead against hers with a shaky breath, I said the only thing on my mind. “You're going to be the death of me if you keep playing this game. You have no clue what you're asking for.”

I turned on my heels before my hands took over and threw her on that bed to devour her like I so wanted to. There would be time for that later; right now, we needed to get food because she would need it with what Apollo had planned for her. I didn’t look back when I exited her room. I knew she would be following me.

Pounding down the stairs two at a time, I met Phoenix and Eros at the bottom, with a flustered-looking Diana behind me.

“Good morning, gentlemen.” I couldn’t help the smile pulling at my lips when they caught sight of Diana following me. I’d let their minds wander at what we did with her wild, sex-looking hair and cheeks scarlet red.

Phoenix eyed me up and down, then glanced at Diana. “What did you do to her already? She looks like she’s trying to decide between strangling you or jumping your bones.”

“Ooh, you know me. I let her fantasize about my head between her thighs.” Diana’s face turned even redder, if that was possible, at my reply while she tried to hide behind her curls.

She dipped her head to look at the ground, not making eye contact with any of us. Awe, was my bunny a little shy? I’ll need to break her of that. I love her spicy mouth and never wanted her to hide what she was thinking. I wanted her to voice her intentions out loud.

“Don’t hide, bunny. We both know what you were thinking when you answered your door in nothing but a bra and panties.” All three heads snapped my way at the comment.

I chuckled and opened the door to the gathering room. Gesturing them inside. “Come on, let's go get breakfast. We can talk while we eat!”

Chapter 9


I’m going to murder him. Like seriously, I’m going to slit his damn throat. What the fuck was I thinking, not putting on clothes before I answered the door. Ooh, right, I wasn’t thinking. I had just woken up from an amazing dream about two men worshiping my body. In my horny haze, I clearly was not thinking when I rushed to answer the door at the sound of Atlas’s persistent banging. I really needed to get laid.

My libido is on overdrive around these men.

Maybe stop thinking about filling your cunt and fill your mouth with food. You need your strength for what they are about to put you through today.

That damn voice of reason can go away at any time now. I grabbed a tray, and my mouth watered, looking at all the food to choose from. They had everything from fresh fruit, meat, potatoes, eggs, pastries, and even waffles. This was amazing. Even the cafeteria at school didn’t have this much to eat. We were lucky to have eggs and bacon.

My stomach chose that time to growl so loud I bet everyone in the hall heard it. I quickly grabbed some fruit, bacon, and waffles. Listen, I didn’t get these curves eating rabbit food. I can eat my weight in waffles. There’s nothing like a syrup-covered waffle to start your morning.

Holy shit. There’s an iced coffee machine! Making a beeline for the coffee, I grabbed the biggest cup there was, filling it full of iced coffee goodness. I don’t know how people could drink hot coffee. It was bitter and so hot every time I tried it; I always ended up burning my tongue. Iced coffee was definitely the way to go.

With my food in one hand and vanilla iced coffee in the other, I headed for the table I saw the guys sitting at.

I sat down across from Onasis, Apollo, and Phoenix. Sandwiched between Eros and Atlas. Heat blossomed in my lower belly being so close to them. I clenched my legs at the thoughts of them filling my dreams last night. Where Atlas smelled like crisp apples and rain, Eros smelled like fresh sheets and cloves. I wonder what they think of threesomes if they would be down to try it out.

My attention snapped out of my daydream and to Apollo when he started speaking. “We’re going to use today to have you run through the agility course so we can see your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll then go against Phoenix in weapons fighting and Atlas in hand-to-hand combat. Afterward, we will break for lunch, and then Eros can take you out for familiar studies.”

Damn, does this guy ever smile? He was so handsome with his shorter dark brown hair and beard that was clean-cut. Those green eyes were also stunning, but the fact that I haven’t seen him smile even once brings his hotness level down a few pegs. He was all business all the time.

I nodded my head, groaning inward, knowing he would not be pleased if I voiced my displeasure at his schedule he would not be pleased. When he got to familiar studies, my ears perked with interest, and my eyebrows raised. “But I don’t have a familiar. Why am I learning about them?”

Eros turned my way, “You’re learning about them because familiars make themselves known at eighteen. Since you were not here during that time, we don’t know if you have one yet. One could have chosen you and is waiting for the right time to introduce themselves.”

My mouth fell open at his reply. There’s no way in hell I have a familiar. No one would want to bond with the mess I have going on in my head.

There’s that growl again. What the fuck. I clamped my mouth shut, opting to keep quiet on the mess going on in my head, and focused on finishing my food.

“Okay, everything sounds good except all the manual labor. Can we skip over that part? If you haven’t noticed, I’m not really the active type.” Screw keeping quiet. I’m a decently active person, but at the thought of a damn agility course, my stomach flipped. Shoving a piece of waffle in my mouth, I waited for their reply.

To my surprise, Onasis spoke up. “I think you will do better than you give yourself credit for. Our ancestors fought hundreds of years against the demons. It’s in your blood. You just have to dig down deep and unlock that side of yourself.”

A newfound determination settled in my soul. “Okay then. Bring it on.” There was no way this could be harder than some of the workouts Chad put me through at the gym. That guy was a weightlifting guru and set up a workout routine for me four days a week.

That’s it. Bring out your fight!