Page 7 of Sight Unseen

Combat Training

Defensive Maneuvers

Psychic Self Defense

Protection And Reversal Magic

The Lost Ways

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Weapons Study

Holy shit, they weren't kidding. This is like fucking demon boot camp.

Diana, I told you to listen. Being here will be the hardest thing you will have to work for. You need to get your head on your shoulders and pay attention to what they teach you. There are real threats in the world you must fight, and I would rather not have you dead.

Shaking my head at that damn voice, I turn to continue my exploration. The first door off to the left is a huge closet filled with clothes. Poking around at the sizes, they all look like they would fit

me. They're all black and red, not my first choice of color but it’ll do, seeing as I hardly had any clothes in my pack I bought. Speaking of, I see it sitting just inside the door leading to the hallway.

Hurrying over, I dump it out on the bed and grab the articles of clothing to put away. As I open the dresser, I see it’s packed full of panties and bras with the tags still attached. I add mine to the pile, closing the dresser and heading toward the second door.

The bathroom is massive. Directly in the middle is a huge soaking tub in the floor. No, seriously, you have to walk down into it. Like this room couldn’t get any better. To the right is a massive gray and whitewashed vanity with a mirror covering the whole wall, and to the left is a shower big enough for ten people, I swear. The floor is white granite, and the walls are dark gray. Fitting for what the rest of this place looked like.

Deciding a shower is just what I need. I strip off my old clothes and throw them in a basket by the door. I step into the shower, turning it on as hot as I can handle, and tip my head back to let the water chase away the chill I feel in my bones.

There are three shower heads, not including the huge rain shower directly in the middle. I pop open the shampoo cap and a wave of coconut and mint hits my nose. This smells amazing; I’ll have to stock up on it because there is no way I could go back to my cheap-smelling shampoo now. When I’m done lathering, I rinse it out and repeat with the conditioner.