Page 5 of Sight Unseen

That can be arranged, Diana.

Okay, stupid voice, that’s enough of your nonsense.

“No, she only communicates with me. It’s sort of a mind meld. Telepathic communication, if you will. It’s difficult to explain to someone without a familiar.” Eros raked a hand through his white hair, brushing it out of his face.

Stop staring and pay attention to what he’s saying, you foolish girl. You might learn something.

“Ooh, like voices in your head. I get it. There’s one in mine all the time I can’t ever get to shut up, I swear.”

Eros and Atlas shared an intense look. I gaped between the beautiful men, looking back and forth, trying to figure out their silent conversation.

“Well, someone spit it out already; you're leaving me in suspense.”

Atlas was the first to speak, “It’s nothing. Come on, I'll give you a tour and see if Apollo has figured out your room situation yet.”

We started walking toward the huge double doors in the front of the castle when Eros spoke up. “Apollo already moved everyone around. She’s in the red room in the East wing.”

“This place has wings. Like it seriously could not get any fucking bigger.” I was honestly shocked. Although, with the size of this place, I shouldn’t be.

You have no idea, Diana. There is so much more.

Chapter 5


There goes my jaw again. Dropping dangerously close to the floor. This place was magnificent. Once inside, I got a view of how massive the building was. The opening stretched up two stories with curved staircases on each side. Shiny deep brown hardwood floor covered the area and continued up the stairs. The walls were stone gray, covered with so many statues and paintings, that I didn’t know what to look at.

Directly in front of me was another set of doors and long hallways off to the right and left that curved out of sight to wrap around the building.

There were only a couple of people walking around when I glanced at the huge dial clock over the doors in front of me, I could see why. It was nine p.m. I’ve been asleep for a whole day. No wonder why there’s such a kink in my neck. It chose that moment to ache, and I reached up to soothe the soreness with my fingers.

Astra took off past me, flying up the stairs to the right. Her wings clipped my hair, sending it sprawling into my face.

“Well, goodbye to you too!”

I don’t think it’s wise to get on the falcons bad side by being a smart ass.

Grumbling at that comment, I pulled out the hair that was now in my mouth and turned to look at Eros. “Ummm, shouldn’t you go after her?”

He shrugged, “Nah. She’s probably going to our room. I worked her pretty hard when you were sleeping. She needed it after being off for a few days while we were in Tennessee retrieving you.”

“About that?” I pinched my brows and gave a stern look at Atlas. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up? Do you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep for that long in the position I was in!”

I dropped my hand. There’s no use in trying to work the kink out. Hopefully, there’s a comfortable bed I can sleep it away on.

Atlas smirked as one eyebrow lifted, “We arrived and decided to let you sleep. You looked wrecked. Also, how could I wake up such a beautiful girl with her face so close to my cock. I would have left you there longer if it were up to me.”

My cheeks instantly flushed; I knew they were red as a cherry, and my eyes bugged out. “Excuse me. You're the one who pushed me to lay down. I didn’t mean to get that up close and personal with your manhood.”

Holy smoldering hotness, I didn’t think his looks could get any better, but here I was, clenching my thighs as heat pulled in my belly and wetness coated my sex. The look he gave me was pure lust like he wanted to strip me naked right here.

He bopped me on the nose again, and I snapped up to bite his finger.

“Ouch, bunny has teeth. I have no complaints about you getting up close and personal with my manhood. If you want a better look, the red room is across from mine.” Atlas winked as he shook his finger and started walking away, pointing out different areas in the building.

Ooh, foolish girl! What in the world have you gotten yourself into? Stop thinking about his dick and pay attention to what he’s saying before you get lost in this maze.

Goddammit, now I was thinking about his dick. Get it together, Diana, but could you really blame me? The black curls hanging across his forehead and the ass this man has. If there was an ass competition, I decided Atlas would take first place. His jeans hugged him in all the right places. Before I could wonder too much about what he looks like without pants on, I turned off my treacherous brain and started listening to what he was pointing out.