Page 37 of Sight Unseen

“It’s a relative of hers; she has been working in a bar in Baton Rouge. I want to go see if she can tell us anything about the Nephus legacy, why Diana’s parents were killed, and why they hid her birth.” I turned to Eros, “I could use some backup in case things get sticky.”

“You know I always have your back,” Eros assured me.

Sighing, I turned back toward Apollo, waiting for his answer.

“We can grab another vehicle in Dallas for you to take. Just don’t be gone long; I need you with us; we are not a team without you.” Apollo said.

“Yes sir, a day, two tops,” I replied as we stopped in front of the abandoned building.

“Remember, in and out, no one dies today, and stay liquid!” Apollo said before going to the side entrance, with the wolves following close behind.

The smell of sulfur and brimstone was thick in the air, letting us know there were multiple demons here. Not knowing if they were still in the area or not, we were all on high alert. Eros and I silently made our way around the back of the building while Onasis and Phoenix took the front.

Waiting for the signal to breach, I started to get jittery, causing thick clouds to fill the sky. It wasn’t too often I lost control of my powers, but I couldn’t help it when the girl I was falling for was in danger.

Minutes passed, and then Stark came barreling toward us from the side of the building; that’s our signal to enter. When he reached us, Eros kicked in the door and sent Astra through the dark opening.

“She says the first floor is clear, going up to the second.” Eros relayed from his familiar.

Following him inside, we met the others at the bottom of the stairs. In a silent line, we made our way to the top.

“Astra said the wolf is in the last room on the right with three demons,” Eros whispered to our team.

On quiet feet, we made our way toward the room, and my heart stopped when we entered at the sight of the three demons before us.

Mammon, Beelzebub, and Leviathan stood in the center of the room, with a scared-looking Tala behind them.

The wolves circled the demons, teeth bared, snapping their jaws, and growls erupting from their chest.

“Where is she?” Beelzebub said in an annoyed tone.

“Somewhere you will never reach her, hand over the wolf,” Apollo said as he leveled his sword at Beelzebub.

Onasis had an arrow nocked and drawn back, trained on Mammon's heart, and Eros had his daggers out and ready for a fight. I drew my sword along with Phoenix and geared up for the battle we were about to face.

“You cannot protect her forever; her destiny awaits,” Mammon said before a portal came into view behind them and they walked through, vanishing from the room.

My ears popped from the sudden portal, and streaks of light flashed across my vision.

“What the fuck just happened?” I said, dumbfounded.

“I don’t know, but you need to go see if you can track down that lead now; we need to know what we're up against.” Apollo's reply filled my veins with ice.

I turned and sprinted out of the room with Eros hot on my heels. I only had one thing on my mind: protecting my girl. I would move mountains to make sure she was safe.

When we pulled into the bar called Peet’s, it was night. I was getting antsy being away from Diana for so long, but I needed to get answers.

The bar smelled of stale beer and smoke and was dimly lit. There was a group of people playing pool in the corner, but other than that, it was empty.

I sat at the bar, and Eros plopped down on the stool beside me.

“It doesn't even look like there’s anyone working here, man. Are you sure this is the right place?” Eros asked while he glanced around, looking for the bartender.

“Yeah, she said Peet’s. This is the only Peet’s bar in Baton Rouge.” I leaned over the sticky bar top to see if anyone was ducked down behind it.

“Hello!” I shouted to the back door. After a few minutes, I heard glass shatter and a string of curse words before a petite redhead pushed the swinging door to the back open.

“God damn tall fucking shelves, can’t reach a fucking thing on the top.” She mumbled under her breath as she walked toward us.