7.5 months later
Being with Rodney these past few months had been better than anything I could have imagined. Rodney was the perfect partner, attentive, caring, and loving. It hadn’t taken a lot of effort for me to fit into their routines and to make the duo a trio.
Tommy seemed to be happier than ever, and Rodney was relieved about that. He had been worried about Tommy’s attitude, about his mood swings, and how he was doing in school. Since I had moved in, everything had changed.
I was heavily pregnant, ready to pop any day now. I was so big, my belly protruded far enough that I couldn’t reach my own toes, and I had to have a pedicure every two weeks instead. Not that I was complaining. A little pampering went a long way now. My ankles were swollen, I was having hot flashes, and even though I didn’t have morning sickness anymore, with three babies inside me, there was hardly space for myself in my own body. I was ready to have these babies out.
I waddled down the aisle in the convenience store, loading ice cream and chocolate sauce into my basket. I hadn’t really needed to buy a lot of groceries, but lately, I had been craving ice cream, and I was out again. I put the basket down on the floor and pressed my hands against my lower back, trying to compensate for my weight in the front. I got so tired these days.
When I finally paid and made my way to my car, my dad was there, waiting for me. I froze. I hadn’t seen him or spoken to him since the day I had packed all my things and he had told me I was ruining my life. I hadn’t expected to see him, and I had no idea what to do or say.
“Danielle, I just want to talk,” my dad said. I didn’t know what my face showed, but maybe he realized how panicked I was. “I saw you go into the store so I waited for you.”
I swallowed hard. I had no idea what to say.
“I know it doesn’t seem fair for me to do it like this,” my dad started, “but I miss you.”
A lump rose in my throat. I was ridiculously emotional because of the pregnancy, and seeing my dad brought back a lot of emotions I had been pushing away.
“I miss both of you,” my dad added.
I shook my head. “That’s not my fault,” I said. I was on the defense.
“You don’t have to tell me. I know I was wrong. At first, I was scared for you because you’re my baby girl and I don’t want anything to happen to you. After I lost you, I was wrestling with my stupid pride. It took me this long to come out and say it to you. I’m sorry.”
Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I couldn’t stop them. “You have no idea how hard it’s been,” I said. I was angry. Angry and emotional, and I wanted to shout at my dad and hug him all at the same time.
“I know, sweetheart. I know.” My dad looked like he was going to cry, too. Of course, it was just an illusion–he was too much of a man.
I opened my mouth to say something, but suddenly, a gush of water soaked my panties. I looked down as the dark patch grew around my crotch.
“Oh, shit.”
My dad frowned at me, staring at my crotch area. “Danielle?” he asked.
“My water broke,” I said. It was happening. I was going into labor. My dad blinked at me like a deer in headlights, frightened and confused.
“Dad,” I said in a louder voice. “The babies are coming.”
My dad paled. When he looked up at me, he asked, “Babies?”
There was no time to explain to him about the triplets. “Get me to the hospital,” I said.
I held my car keys out to him, and he grabbed them before helping me into the passenger seat. He was suddenly active, doing what needed to be done. When I was in the front seat, my dad ran around to the driver’s side and jumped in.
“Hold on,” he said and slammed his foot down on the pedal, reversing into the road. He changed gears and floored it, tires squealing beneath the car.
“Dad, it would be great if we could get to the hospital alive,” I said, holding my stomach. Contractions had started, and I cried out.
“Call Rodney,” I bit out after the first wave passed.
My dad pulled out his cell phone and clamped it to his ear with his shoulder. When Rodney answered, surprised, my dad explained about waiting for me at the car and that I had gone into labor. “She’s giving birth right now, so meet us at the hospital,” my dad said and hung up.
I was freaking out. “Dad, it hurts,” I cried out when another contraction passed through me. I didn’t know what to expect.