Chapter Twenty Five


I woke up with Danielle on her side with her back to me, her haired fanned out on my pillow. Her feet were intertwined with mine. It was the only place we were touching, but it was strangely intimate.

I loved waking up to her. I had been such an idiot, fighting it for so long. I should have given in from the start. Now that we were together and the sky hadn’t fallen, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I had thought it might be. It was just the two of us, together.

Sure, when Tommy came back from my mom’s, it would be a little hard to explain why Danielle was here and sleeping in my bed. Because I wanted her to stay here with me throughout the pregnancy, and afterward. He was old enough to start wondering about these things, but we would have to tell him soon that he would have a brother or a sister. He already liked Danielle, at least. I could only hope for the best.

Tommy and I had made it this far, and it hadn’t been easy. If we could do this, we could do anything.

I wormed out from underneath Danielle to let her sleep a little longer, and I found my phone. It had died. I hadn’t connected it to the charger last night. I had been a little distracted. I plugged the phone in and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee. I switched on my laptop to check my work emails.

When the coffee was brewing and returned to my laptop after it had booted, I opened the Techsider, a magazine that covered the latest software. An article suggested my software release would be delayed due to personal issues. I frowned.

My phone went off, messages pouring in, and I ran to the bedroom to grab the phone before it woke up Danielle. They were all from Mark.

What the hell is all over the news???

This better be a fucking joke

You’re dead.

My phone rang. I didn’t answer it. Something had gone wrong. I couldn’t deal with it if I didn’t know what it was. Another message landed in my inbox.

Answer your fucking phone!!!!!!

I opened the magazine app I used to cover all the different online magazine platforms, and my stomach sank. I was plastered all over the place, featured in a picture of me and Danielle in the rain. Kissing.

Except, we hadn’t been kissing. I had tried to shelter her from the rain. It had been at the restaurant where I was supposed to have been safe. But whether I had kissed her then or not, I had kissed her at some point. And then some. And it was out there now.

My head started throbbing dully as I read the first article that popped up. They knew who she was. I didn’t know how they’d found out who Danielle was and that it had been her I’d been out with. I guessed anyone at the restaurant could have vouched for that. An interview with Monica was posted on another page where she told the story of Danielle throwing up and that she had thought it to be morning sickness.

I lowered my phone and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. What if it had only been food poisoning? Monica hadn’t known anything. But if it had been food poisoning alone, we could have squashed the rumor. But it wasn’t. She was pregnant with my child.

And now the whole world knew that it was a possibility. The worst case scenario had happened.

I walked to the bedroom to wake Danielle. I had to talk to her about this. When I opened the bedroom door, Danielle sat up in bed, her eyes wide and panicked.

“My dad has been trying to call me non-stop,” she said. “What’s going on?”

She knew something was wrong. He’d tried to phone her yesterday, too, but it hadn’t been the same.

“It’s out,” I said. “It’s in the news.”

Danielle frowned, shaking her head as if she refused to believe it. “I don’t understand,” she said. “How?”

I opened my mouth to speak, but a hammering on the door cut me off. Danielle’s eyes widened.

“Danielle, open this door!” Mark shouted outside.

“Oh my God,” Danielle whispered.

“Rodney, you piece of shit! Face me like a man!”

I made to stand, but Danielle grabbed my hand and shook her head.

“We can’t hide in the room forever,” I said. “We have to deal with this. We got ourselves into this mess.”