“What does that even mean, a jock name?” I laughed. Lisa had such a unique perspective on life. Maybe that was why she was able to accept my craziness, even though my quirks were different from hers. Maybe she understood what it meant not to fit in.

“You know, it’s not something out of the ordinary like Ace or Axel, and it’s not nerdy like Bernard or Earl. It sounds kind of hot, too.”

I shook my head, still laughing. Lisa had a theory about men’s names and how that defined them. Maybe she was right. I had never tried to find out details. I hadn’t asked her what she thought about Rodney’s name, or what it said about him, either. I wasn’t going to go there.

“So, anyway, I went to the bonfire night with Cheryl. You remember her, don’t you? Anyway, the bonfire was just after you started working, so I couldn’t ask you to pull an all-nighter with me in the middle of the week. It would have been way more fun if you were there, though. Cheryl is not my favorite.”

I nodded and smiled, making the right sounds in the right places while Lisa told me how she met Josh, how they spent the night together, and what she thought about all the other people who had attended.

I only half paid attention. It wasn’t that I didn’t care about Lisa and her life—we were best friends and I was invested in her life as much as she was invested in mine—but my mind was on Rodney. I thought about how I was going to sort out what was happening between us, or what wasn’t happening between us. I didn’t know how to handle the situation with him–I wanted to speak to him about my feelings the way Lisa had suggested—but I wasn’t sure it would help. In fact, I was worried it would have the opposite effect and make things worse.

“You remember Horace?” Lisa asked, still going on about the same thing. I nodded, the name vaguely familiar. “Well, there’s a name that should have been a warning sign from the start. Anyway, Josh has the cutest thing about him that Horace had, but so far, there is no sign of the dick side.”

“That sounds like a bonus to me,” I said.

“Right?” Lisa agreed. “That’s what I was thinking, as well.” Lisa carried on talking, telling me all about Josh and telling me how she wondered if he was someone she might consider dating. I doubted it.

Lisa had never been the type of person to take anything further than a fling. She felt tied down too quickly. In that regard, Lisa and I were the same. We both felt that we weren’t with someone that fulfilled us. Her reasons were different than mine; Lisa’s entire existence revolved around excitement, and sticking with one person long-term tended to be less exciting than jumping from one guy to the next.

My outlook was a little different. I wanted the guy I was with to be on the same level as I was intellectually and emotionally. There weren’t many of those around, so we had both been single for different reasons.

For a while, a very short while, I had hoped that Rodney would be the exception for me. Now, I wasn’t so sure.