Chapter Thirteen
Danielle was everywhere, even in my dreams. I dreamed of her long smooth legs, the deep green of her eyes when she smiled at me, and the smell of her perfume when she walked past me. She was mesmerizing, and I was addicted. I wanted more of her. Without my fix, I knew I would go into withdrawal. I would wilt.
I woke up in the middle of the night with an erection that ached and a woman on my mind that I couldn’t have. I got up to drink water, and in the darkness, all I could see was her. It was because I was still half asleep, I told myself. I splashed cold water on my face and got back into bed, forcing myself to go back to sleep and to stop thinking about her.
It was much easier said than done.
On Saturday morning, Tommy had me up at the crack of dawn to watch cartoons. When it was a weekday, I couldn’t get him up to be on time for school, but on weekends, he was up so early we could catch the sunrise.
The joys of being a father.
“What are we making for breakfast, big man?” I asked when his favorite show ended.
“Pancakes,” Tommy said.
I shook my head. I couldn’t make pancakes. “You’ll have to ask Danielle when she comes to watch you again. You know that.”
Sometimes, Danielle made pancakes with Tommy, and he loved it.
“What about scrambled egg and bacon, buddy?” I could make that, and there was almost no way I could mess it up.
Tommy shrugged. “I guess. What are we going to do today?”
I thought about it. I didn’t have anything planned for the weekend.
“How about we hang out at home, just us guys?” I asked.
“That’s normal,” Tommy said. “It’s always just us guys.”
I couldn’t say anything to that. It was always us guys. He was right. A pang of regret shot through me. I hadn’t dated much, and I wasn’t planning on marrying again. At this rate, it would be the two of us for the rest of our lives. I wanted more for Tommy, but I couldn’t imagine dating, bringing a stranger into the bubble Tommy and I had been living in.
Of course, there was Danielle, who had managed to get into our world. And she was so great with Tommy and a wonderful person to boot. But I couldn’t date her, I reminded myself. Because of Mark. I shouldn’t have even slept with her. Twice. God, I had created a mess.
Tommy and I walked to the kitchen together to start on breakfast when my phone rang. Mark’s number flashed on the caller ID.
“Do you want to head out onto the golf course with me?” Mark asked. “Nina is out of the house today, and I’m bored.”
I hesitated. If he knew what I’d done with Danielle only yesterday, he wouldn’t want to ever speak to me again. I’d hoped that fucking her would get it out of my system, but it had the opposite effect. I couldn’t get her out of my mind now. I thought about her, not only about her body and how great she was in bed–or on a desk, as the case may be–but about who she was a person. She was amazing in every way.
Would dating her in secret be possible? The moment the thought came up, I squashed it. I couldn’t think like that. It wasn’t going to happen. It was better if I didn’t even entertain the idea. I shouldn’t have slept with her yesterday. I shouldn’t have slept with her at all. Now that I had, there was no changing it, but that didn’t mean I had to compound my mistakes by hoping for an actual relationship with her.
Mark was still on the line, waiting for an answer. I considered turning him down, but that would seem suspicious, wouldn’t it? The best thing was to accept and carry on as if nothing had happened.
“I have Tommy with me,” I said.
“So? Bring the little man along. He can give you some pointers on your short game.”
“Very funny.” I thought about it for a moment before agreeing. Tommy had complained he was bored, anyway.
“I’ll see you there in an hour,” I said.
“Are we going somewhere?” Tommy asked when I hung up.
“We’re going to play golf with Mark. Does that sound like fun?”
Tommy thought about it, tipping his head to the side while he turned the eggs over and over in their carton.