Lisa shrugged. “Hey, it’s your choice. If you want to play the good little secretary and do as you’re told, that’s your business.”
“You’re a real bitch sometimes, you know that?” I asked, but I was laughing.
Lisa knew exactly what she had to say to make me take that next step. Telling me I was being a goody-two-shoes was as challenging to me as it was to some others to call them “chicken.” I hated being seen as the one that followed the rules. I liked breaking rules. I liked going against what I was told.
I wanted to go against this rule, too.
“Thanks,” I said, and Lisa and I clinked our glasses together.
“Just promise me one thing,” Lisa said.
“I want as many juicy details as possible. And make it graphic.”
I laughed. “You’re as dirty as they come.”
“Well, if I can’t get any, I have to live vicariously through your love life. That’s how friends help each other out, you know.”
Lisa and I had another drink together before we paid and went our separate ways. I headed home. I had a lot to think about after what she had told me. I was pushing my luck. It could work perfectly, or Rodney could sit me down and tell me I was being out of line. He could even fire me if he wanted to. But if it meant sleeping with him again, it was worth a shot.
I would try Lisa’s way and see how it went. I would know soon enough, after all, and if it wasn’t working, I could always stop. Although I had never been good at stopping. I had always done what I’d wanted, when I’d wanted. And this time, Rodney was what I wanted.
I had to take time to think about how I was going to do it, but I was sure I could come up with something. I had a few things in mind I could do.
When I went to bed that night, I closed my eyes and flashed on Rodney’s naked body again, remembering the way he’d felt when he pushed into me. I thought about the orgasms he’d brought on, one after another. And I wanted more.