She nodded, rolling her eyes. “Bored out of my mind. So, tell me what’s up.”

I waited for the bartender to bring us our cocktails, and I sipped the strawberry daquiri I had ordered before I took a deep breath.

“I slept with him,” I said.

Lisa’s eyes sparkled. “Who?”

I waited for her to put two and two together. Her mouth rounded into an “O” of surprise before she broke into a smile

“You sexy bitch!” she exclaimed.

I laughed, shaking my head. “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” I said. “But I have a problem.”

“No problems yet. Tell me everything first. Was it good?”

“Oh, my God, Lisa. It was great. It was better than I thought it would be. He’s so good in bed, it’s insane.”

Lisa giggled. “I love gossip like this. I can’t believe you did it. It was Saturday, when you went to babysit, wasn’t it?”

I nodded.

“I knew it! Alone, late at the night, with the man of your dirty dreams, eh?”

I shook my head, feeling on the spot with how she was going on about it.

“Can I tell you what I need to vent about now?” I asked.

Lisa nodded, sipping her cocktail. “Shoot,” she said.

I sighed. “He told me we can’t do it again. Because he’s my boss and my dad’s best friend.”

Lisa rolled her eyes. “So typical.”

“Right? So, I thought I would play hard to get. But he pushed me away first, and it’s not working. Honestly, it’s pissing me off a little. I’m not just a piece of meat, you know?”

“But you want to be,” Lisa pointed out. “It’s just because he doesn’t want it that you’re pissed off about it.”

I chuckled. Lisa was right, even though I didn’t want to admit to it. I hadn’t thought about it being anything other than my dream come true when we had done it that night. I hadn’t considered it being about dating at that point. I didn’t know what I wanted it to be now, either. I only wanted him to want me again.

“So, you need to up your game,” she said. “Don’t just play hard to get. Be seductive as hell at the same time. Tease him until he can’t help but jump your bones.”

I laughed. “I thought about you saying that, you know,” I said. “I don’t think I managed it with your flair, though.”

“Of course, not,” Lisa said. “It’s my thing.” She stuck her nose up in the air before she grinned at me. “But it can be your thing, too. You just need to play it right. Want to know how?”

I nodded. “It’s what I’m here for.”

Lisa grinned. “You usually tell me I’m being too much. Just the right amount this time?”

“Just tell me,” I said, laughing.

Lisa nodded and leaned toward me, assuming an air of importance. “You need to turn up the heat so that he notices. Make him look. I’m talking low necklines and short skirts, double meaning conversations. Everything about you should scream sex.”

“I can’t do that. I work in a professional office.”

“So, make it happen. You can have a blouse that gapes when you bend over, right? You don’t have to be a slut about it, but you have to play it right. Let him know what he’s missing out on.”

I shook my head. “I don’t know if I can do it. It seems so dishonest to lure him into sleeping with me again when he told me it can’t happen again.”