“It’s going to be fine, Danielle,” Lisa said, but she sounded hesitant, as if she didn’t believe her own words.

It felt like forever before the front door opened and Rodney stepped back into the apartment. Lisa glanced at me as if she wanted confirmation, wanting me to let her know if I needed her to stay.

“I’ll be in the room if you need me,” Lisa said. “Let me give you some privacy.”

I nodded. Rodney stayed standing at the door as if he was nervous to come closer.

“I’m sorry,” I said, and I couldn’t hold back the tears. All the panic and stress that had built up all day finally spilled over, and I wasn’t able to keep my mask up anymore.

When I started crying, Rodney shook his head. “Hey,” he said, walking to me, and his voice was gentle. He didn’t sound upset. “It’s okay.”

“It’s really not,” I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

“It’s not ideal right now, but don’t be sorry. You didn’t do this any more than I did, and I know it wasn’t planned.”

I tried to swallow down my tears, but I couldn’t. Now that I had started crying, I couldn’t seem to stop. Were my hormones already acting up? It was common knowledge that pregnant women cried easily. God, I didn’t want to be one of them. I didn’t want to be pregnant, for that matter.

Rodney put his hand carefully on my leg as if he was nervous I would bite.

“What do you want to do?” he asked. “With the baby, I mean.”

I looked up at him. I hadn’t had a lot of time to think about it, but my first reaction was not to get rid of the baby, no matter how much I knew it would change my life.

“I want to keep it,” I said.

Rodney’s eyes widened a little.

“You don’t have to be a part of this,” I added quickly. I didn’t want him to tell me that I had to get rid of it. He couldn’t make that decision for me.

“No, no,” Rodney said. “We’re in this together, and if you want to keep the baby, then I’ll be there for you.”

I blinked at him. This was the Rodney I had grown knowing, the man that I had fallen for. The guy that had been rude and standoffish to me at the office, the one that had threatened to send me to HR for my clothes, had been a stranger.

“I don’t know how this is going to be,” I said. “But I don’t think it’s going to be a breeze.”

Rodney nodded. “I know, but I’m not a stranger to fighting for what I want. I got through Chrissy’s death and raising Tommy. I think we can manage.”

It was true. Rodney was the kind of guy that stuck it out.

“Do you need anything?” Rodney asked.

I shook my head. “Not at the moment, no.”

Rodney hesitated. “Do you want to come stay with me?”

The offer was generous, and I knew he wanted to prove to me that he would be there for me, that we would face this together. But for now, I needed to be with my friend until I had wrapped my mind around everything. I shook my head.

“I’m going to stay here,” I said.

Rodney nodded, and I knew he was trying his best to understand. He lifted his hand and put it on my cheek, touching me lightly with his fingertips first as if he wasn’t sure if I was going to bite. When I let him touch me, let him inch closer to me, he kissed me. I closed my eyes when his lips touched mine and sighed.

“We’ll figure this out, okay?” Rodney said when he broke the kiss. I nodded.

He stood up to leave. When he was at the door, I called him back.

“Thank you,” I said when he looked at me from the door.

Rodney nodded before letting himself out.