Chapter Seventeen


On Friday afternoon, just when I thought the week was finally winding down and I could have an early night in, I got a call from Jonathan Green. Jonathan was my stateside contact guy for the Chinese development team that collaborated with Berry Software.

“I hope you have the evening free,” Jonathan said. “Lu Chen and his team are in town on unexpected business, and he asked me to set up a meeting with you tonight. Please tell me you are available.”

“Tonight?” I asked. “That’s pretty short notice.”

“I know,” Jonathan said, sounding apologetic. “But you know how serious they are about business. It will be great if we could arrange something.”

Jonathan’s job was merely liaising for Lu Chen, and he had nothing to do with my business. Still, I liked the guy.

“It just so happens that I don’t have any plans for tonight,” I said. “If you book a reservation at the restaurant, I’ll be there.”

“Thank you,” Jonathan said, sounding relieved. “I’ll take care of the booking and send you the info. We’ll see you tonight.”

I put the phone back in its cradle and scratched my head. It was short notice, but I could prepare something for the meeting. I was good at what I did, I knew my company front to back, and conveniently, I had some news I could share with Chen and his team. It was a little harder taking care of Tommy for the night. I glanced at my wristwatch. I needed someone to watch Tommy for me within a few hours.

The only person I could think of was Danielle. She was great with Tommy and often available at short notice. Things hadn’t exactly been running smoothly between us, but we had managed to put our differences aside for the past two days and work together in a semblance of harmony. I hoped that it was enough to get Danielle to agree to come tonight. If she refused, it would be her choice, and I wouldn’t hold it against her, although it would leave me in a bind.

I picked up the phone and called Danielle into the office. When she walked to the door, I noticed what she was wearing. She wore a pencil skirt, but it was shorter than I was comfortable with. Her heels were also higher, making her look like she was ready for a night out on the town, rather than a day in the office. I tried to ignore what she was wearing, but God, this woman never ceased to turn me on.

“An emergency meeting has just popped up for later tonight,” I said. “Lu Chen and his team are in the States unexpectedly. I was hoping you would be able to watch Tommy for me. I know it’s short notice, so if you’re not able to, I will understand.”

Danielle thought about it. I wondered if she would turn me down for the sake of rejecting me as a person. Danielle and I had never gotten stuck before all this happened between us, and I had no idea what she was like when she was upset with someone.

“All right,” she finally said. “I’ll watch Tommy for you. What time do you need me to be there?”

“I don’t know yet. My contact will let me know a time as soon as he’s made a reservation. I’ll let you know the moment I know.”

Danielle nodded. “Is that all?” she asked. She wanted to get out of my office as quickly as possible. I didn’t blame her, but I had something I wanted to say.

“No, that’s not all. Please sit down.”

Danielle stepped forward and sat down in one of the chairs facing me. Her knees were together, her hands were on her thighs, and her back was straight.

I cleared my throat. “I didn’t think I would have to speak to you about your clothing again. This is your last warning. If you don’t change it, you’re not leaving me any choice.”

Something flickered across Danielle’s face, something naughty.

“You can’t tell me you don’t like it,” she said. “As far as I remember, it wasn’t a problem before that I wasn’t wearing panties.”

My eyes widened a little. Was she telling me that she wasn’t wearing panties again? As if Danielle knew the question was on my mind, she opened her legs a little, just enough to give me a glimpse. Indeed, she wasn’t wearing anything.

“Let me know what time for tonight,” Danielle said, closing her legs as if nothing had happened. She stood up and walked out of my office.

I couldn’t believe how arrogant and obstinate she was being. I had known she was a little rebel from the start. Mark had complained about that for a long time. I had known she was cheeky and arrogant, but being the recipient of her attitude left me reeling in ways I hadn’t expected. I wasn’t only shocked that she would deliberately defy me, but I was really fucking turned on.

Was Danielle never going to stop tormenting me?

I shifted in my chair, leaning back and yanking on my belt to try to arrange what was going on in my pants more comfortably. I glanced at Danielle when she sat at her desk, making sure she didn’t see me doing it. I didn’t want her to know what effect she had on me, or that her attempts to work me up were successful every time. If she knew it worked, I worried she would never stop. At this rate, it didn’t seem like she would ever let up, anyway.

Jonathan Green called back less than half an hour later, giving me the name for the reservation and address of the restaurant. I had to be there at seven, and as soon as I knew, I let Danielle know. After work, I headed home to spend a bit of time with Tommy before I had to go out again. We had a movie night planned, but I promised him I would make it up to him the next day.

“It’s a work emergency, buddy,” I said to Tommy when he was upset that I wanted to postpone our night together. “You know I can’t get out of those.”

Tommy was angry. “You’re always working. That’s all you ever do.”