
Iopened my eyes and put my hand to my head.

“Holy shit,” I said out loud. “Did I fall asleep?”

I grabbed my phone from lying on the bed beside me. It was nearly two in the afternoon. I had fallen asleep for almost an hour and a half.

That was weird.

I heard the sound of a blow dryer drifting in from the hallway, and I headed out to find Jordan standing in the bathroom. She was styling her hair while wearing one of my shirts.

“Where did you get that?” I asked.

“What?” she turned and looked at me with raised eyebrows and the most innocent expression on her face.

“Turn off the blow dryer so you can hear me,” I said.

She did, and I repeated myself.

“Where did you get that?”

“Oh, your shirt?” she asked. “It was in the hamper. Smelled like you so I figured why not put it on?”

“Because it’s mine,” I said. “Is Lucy down for a nap?”

“No,” she replied. “She’s downstairs watching a movie.”

“What!” I cried. “You can’t leave a three-year-old alone! How long has she been unsupervised?”

I didn’t wait to hear her response. I wasn’t going to stand and argue parenting with her when I had to make sure my daughter was okay. I dashed down the stairs and right into the living room, finding Lucy lying on her stomach as she colored in her book and watched a movie.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“See?” A voice behind me said. “I told you she was fine.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said as I turned to glare at my ex. “You have to watch her! She’s little, Jordan. There are a number of things she could get herself into that she shouldn’t, and it only takes a second.”

“Funny lecture coming from someone who was sleeping off pot,” she said as she turned to head back up the stairs.

I froze.

That would explain why I was feeling so groggy. In fact, I realized at that moment why the feeling was so familiar. I hadn’t smoked weed in years, and it had been even longer since I’d done any edibles. But I felt just like I used to when I had partaken of too much.

But how?

“Oh, don’t be an idiot,” she said with a laugh. “You were eating my cookies last night like you couldn’t get enough of them. Not sure you’re going to remember that, but you were. Even said something about how you felt like you had the munchies if you recall.”

“What I don’t recall is smoking any weed,” I snapped.

“Edibles,” she said with a shrug. “It’s taken me a while to get the recipe down just right so you don’t detect the taste, but it seems I’ve gotten good at it. You had no idea, and you were out so hard; I’m pretty sure an airplane could have landed outside, and you wouldn’t have even known.”

“Jordan!” I yelled at her. I had reached my breaking point. I wasn’t ever one to fight with her in front of Lucy, but this had gone too far.

“What?” she asked with the same innocent look on her face. “You have been so stressed lately; I figured, why not give you the chance to unwind?”

“First of all, that’s not your place. You can’t just drug me because you think I need to relax!” I shouted. “Secondly, where did you put the cookies?”

“Why, do you want more?” she smirked.