“I know,” I said. “But what about Sue? I feel bad that they feel like they were replaced.”

“You can’t help what people feel,” Gigi said. “You didn’t replace anyone. You gave the account over to Angela, and Angela did come through for the little girl. She didn’t do it the same way you did, and she didn’t care for the way Mrs. Busby was always changing things on her. She communicated it to Mrs. Busby as well as provided a solution, but it was Mrs. Busby who, at that point, chose to part ways. If she feels she’s not being made as much a priority as she could be, then it’s in her best interest to find another service that is better able to do that for her, right?”

“Right,” I said again, realizing that my granny did have another good point. I took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “Thanks, Gigi.”

“Anytime, dear,” she said. “Take this as a chance for you all to start focusing on the things that really matter, okay? You have enough to worry about. One less thing is a good thing.”

I agreed with her, hoping my emotions would catch up to the feeling. I was going to continue with the conversation, but I wrapped it up when I heard my text tone.

“I’ve got to get going, Gigi,” I said. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“I’d love that,” Gigi said. “Talk to you soon.”

I hung up and looked at my phone, my heart leaping into my throat when I saw it was Alex who had texted me.

Good morning, beautiful. I had an amazing time with you last night, and I’m excited to see you on Monday.

I smiled, loving the way the text made my heart flutter and caused butterflies to fill my stomach.

Gigi was right. It was nice to let go of something going on in my life so I had the freedom to focus on something else.

This something else was turning out to be pretty amazing.

Chapter Fourteen – One Week Later


Icouldn’t believe how quickly the week had flown by. It had been a great week as far as I had been concerned. I was glad for the flexibility I had to be able to work largely when I wanted. While there was still work to be done, and I did do what I could to make sure it was done on time, there was also the freedom to move certain things around. This gave me plenty of time to spend with Lucy and Cassie.

And damn, did I ever want to spend time with Cassie.

Monday morning was surprisingly natural. I hadn’t been entirely certain how she was going to behave when she walked through the door. Sleeping with someone who was working for me wasn’t something I normally did, and after the incident with the towel, I wasn’t sure how she’d react.

But Cassie walked in with her normal bright smile, scooping Lucy up in her arms and laughing.

“I thought you weren’t coming back!” Lucy shouted. “You forgot to come back tomorrow like you said.”

“I know I didn’t make it back, and I’m sorry!” Cassie told her. “Sometimes there are other things that happen that make it so I can’t come see you when I want to. I hate it when those things happen, so I made sure to fix it.”

“So, you came back?” Lucy asked.

“So, I came back,” Cassie said with a grin. “I missed you.”

“I missed you!” Lucy cried.

It felt good to me to watch and see how the two interacted with each other. The fact Lucy had grown so attached to Cassie meant the world, and I had thought more than once over the week what it might mean for Cassie’s and my future together.

God knew I wanted there to be a future together.

“How are you today?” she asked me. “Ready for another fun filled week?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I said with a grin. “But somehow with you here, it just gets better.”

“Glad to hear it,” she replied. “It’s what I’m here for.”

We’d settled into such a good routine; it was like clockwork the way Cassie came in and took over caring for Lucy. I had made a bigger effort to get up in time to make Lucy pancakes, something that made Cassie laugh.

I wanted to just hang out with the two of them, but there was work to be done, and I knew the whole reason Cassie was even at my house was to take care of Lucy so I could tend to the work.