As I showered, I was more than happy to indulge my thoughts in memories of the night before. The way it felt when Alex kissed me. The way his hands were traveling all over me.

And the way he made me climax so hard.

I blushed to myself at the mere thought of it.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, pausing to look in the mirror for a moment.

For the past several years, I had been so busy taking care of everything and everyone else that I hadn’t taken the time to do more than just the minimal in my own life. I was happy with my figure, but I felt pulling my hair back and leaving it in its normal ponytail was almost boring.

For the first time in years, I dried my hair and let it lay loose around my shoulders.

It was still very simple, but for me, it was a change that made me feel incredibly sexy. I added my makeup, though I kept that as simple as always. It was such a change for me just having my hair down; I felt like a whole new woman getting dressed and ready for the day.

I made myself a coffee and was just thinking about making breakfast when suddenly my phone buzzed, and my heart leaped to my throat. I hoped it was Alex. In fact, I expected it to be Alex so much that I felt a pang of disappointment when I saw Angela’s name on the screen.

Can you meet me in an hour? I need to talk to you about something

I sighed. I wasn’t sure what my sister wanted, but if she wanted to talk in person, it was bound to be something that would be a headache for me. Either it would be time off, or she’d be asking me for a cut of her paycheck early.

Considering she had stepped up and watched Lucy last night so Alex could come to talk to me, I had a feeling it was going tobe more along the lines of her asking me to cover for her than her asking me for money, but neither was going to be easy on my end. Not with me watching Lucy full-time and not with the current state of our finances.

Sure. You want to meet at the usual coffee shop?

I knew it wasn’t going to be long for her to reply. Knowing Angela, the way I did, she would likely have been staring at her phone as soon as she sent me the message. Sure enough, she quickly confirmed that she would be there, and I agreed.

When I walked into the coffee shop nearly an hour later, Angela eagerly waved me over to the table where she’d been sitting.

“I got you a latte,” she said. “Since that’s what you normally get.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“And a donut,” she added, nodding to the pastry on the table. “I already ate mine. I tried to wait for you, but you know how I am with sweets.”

“So, what’s going on?” I asked as I sat in the chair across from her. “I know you well enough to know when there’s something up, and something is.”

She looked down into her coffee.

“Angela?” I prodded.

“So, I’m not watching the Busby girl anymore,” Angela announced after another brief pause.

“What?” I asked. “What happened? I thought they were looking for long term?”

“Mrs. Busby kept changing her mind on when she wanted me to come over,” Angela said. “There were days when she asked me to be there at eight, then others when she didn’t want me to come over until eleven – and still I would be leaving at one. It was frustrating.”

“Angela,” I said. “You’ve only been watching Sue for three weeks; how could you be this annoyed with them in that short of time?”

“I know it hasn’t been very long,” Angela said. “But every week it was different, and yesterday she asked me to come in at eight first, then backed it up to seven. When I got there, I told her that she was going to have to find a time that worked for her consistently, because my own schedule doesn’t allow for me to just show up whenever. I have other obligations.”

“You know you’re working Friday morning, so what other obligations could you have?” I asked her, trying to hide the level of frustration that was growing inside me.

“That’s what she said, so I’m going to tell you the same thing I told her,” Angela replied. “I am doing this to help you and TNT out. I know this is the family business and all, Cassie, but you know it wasn’t my dream to be a nanny. I don’t mind taking on the work, but I’m not going to sacrifice my entire morning week after week just in case she wants me early or in case she’s not going to want me until later. I could be doing a lot of other things that are actually pushing me in the direction I want to be than sitting around waiting.”

I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it again. She had a point, but I was still frustrated.

“What did she say?” I asked, taking another approach.

“She said that you were always flexible about when you were watching Sue,” Angela said. “Which I can totally see you doing that. But I’m not you, Cassie, and I’m not going to do the same thing. I’m already maxed out with what I’m doing, and I don’t want to do more.”