Most of all, I knew he loved me.

And I believed our love would be strong enough to see us through anything.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I’d gotten back to Georgia around four, which was an hour later than I had planned. I knew I had to move quickly if I wanted to get everything done I had planned for that night, so I jumped right into action.

“You’re going to be with a babysitter for a little while tonight, sweetie, but I’m going to come pick you up before bedtime, okay?” I told Lucy when she asked if we were going home. We were just leaving the airport, and I was eager to be getting back to my place. But I had to take her to drop her off with Angela, Cassie’s sister, first.

The afternoon, of course, had its own set of hiccups I had to deal with, including the fact that the babysitter I had lined up had to bail on me last second. As soon as I landed, I got intouch with Cassie to find out if she could get one of her sisters to watch Lucy, and I had to admit, I was both a little surprised and relieved when she said it wasn’t going to be an issue.

She’d already told me how both her sisters weren’t too happy about being asked to watch anyone last second, so when she told me she had a feeling Angela would be thrilled, I simply went with it.

“I’ll see you in a few hours,” I told her as I left Lucy. “Thanks again for taking her on such short notice.”

“Not a problem,” she said with a smile I found difficult to interpret. “Cassie was saying that you two had plans when you got back, so I figured I would step in so you still got a chance to spend some time together.”

“Again, it’s appreciated,” I said.

I didn’t have the time to stay and chat with her, so I left and headed home as quickly as I could. I had a plan. I felt bad about the way things had been going with Cassie lately, and I wanted to make it up to her. I figured having a nice date night together and perhaps having time to talk about some very real things in our relationship would do us both some good.

After getting dinner to go and some flowers, I grabbed some of the best champagne I could get on short notice. Then, I headed home.

I spread rose petals on the table along with the place settings and then more rose petals upstairs on the bed. It was pretty obvious what I was planning; I was sure about that, but then, why be subtle?

I was just putting the finishing touches on the table when I heard Cassie pull up. I had already lit the candles, but I flicked off the lights to maximize the romantic atmosphere when she walked through the door.

Sure enough, Cassie came in and froze.

“What’s this?” she asked as she looked around. I was struck by how incredible she looked. Clearly, she had taken the time to do her hair and makeup, and she looked great.

“I figured it was high time you and I had a romantic night to ourselves,” I said. “Angela made it clear we can take our time, so here’s to us.”

“You shouldn’t have,” Cassie said, looking around. There was something in her expression that made me a little nervous, as though I had gone too far. But then, she was my girlfriend. What would be too far?

“Anything for you, sweetheart,” I said.

“No, it’s really too much,” she replied, looking around. “I mean, it’s not too much. It’s just that I don’t know. I wasn’t expecting all this. Just wow.”

I popped the champagne and grinned. “Shall we get started?”

I poured the first glass of champagne, but she stopped me from pouring a second.

“None for me,” she said. “Really.”

“What? Why not?” I asked.

“I don’t feel like it tonight,” she said.

“Come on,” I said. “It’s some really good stuff. Here, just one glass.”

“No!” she snapped. “I can’t.”

“Why?” I asked, confused at her outburst.

“I’m… I’m pregnant,” she blurted out.