“You do the same to me,” I said, putting both my forearms on the bed so I was directly on top of her. I pumped into her faster and harder than before, feeling the residual way her pussy massaged the length of my cock. Our bodies slapped together, our moans intermingling with each other’s until I let out one final grunt.

I had felt the climax building inside me, and I knew how to make it a good one. I loved emptying myself inside her, and as I did, as my cock pulsed and filled her, I grunted once more. She smiled up at me, her legs spread as she took my entire load deep within her. It was by far the hottest thing I’d ever experienced, and I wished the two of us could keep this going forever.

I didn’t want to think about going back to Georgia. I didn’t want to think about real life. I missed Lucy, of course, and I would arrange to have her brought to our little island. But I didn’t want to deal with going home.

With Cassie under me, I felt like I had gone to heaven. I felt like this was the best it could possibly get in life in any sense, and it’s all I wanted. I didn’t want to think about what real responsibilities awaited me when we had to go back to being adults.

I just wanted to hold her. I wanted to close my eyes and just be here with her.


The sound of my alarm going off caused me to jump, and my eyes shot open. It was then that I realized I was home. I was lying in my own bed in my own house in Georgia, and I was not only alone in bed, I could hear the sound of my ex-wife downstairs with Lucy.

Cassie wasn’t there. She hadn’t been there in days. Going on weeks, really.

It was Sunday morning, and she would be coming over tomorrow.

While I felt a sense of disappointment and even loss over the realization that our little hideaway island in the Caribbean hadn’t been anything more than a dream. It had been such a heavenly dream, but it was only a dream.

With a sigh, I pulled myself out of bed. I couldn’t believe what time it was. My alarm had woken me, but it was my late alarm that had gone off, and I had no memory of shutting off the earlier one.

Not only that, my head felt foggy. I was almost dizzy, and the immediate feeling that came to mind was that I was hungover. But I hadn’t been hungover since I was in college, and I hadn’t done anything the night before that would warrant me being hungover now.

I tried to shake it off as something else. Perhaps I was just tired after the long week I’d spent dealing with my ex. Perhaps the stress of the entire situation with her was getting to me. I hadn’t exactly been sleeping well, after all.

The dream I’d had was a welcome reprieve from all the stress I was feeling, even if I couldn’t shake the heaviness I felt in my brain. I had been tempted to lie there and take care of myself as I was thoroughly aroused after having such a sexy dream, butit was difficult for me to stay aroused with the sound of my ex-wife’s voice drifting into the bedroom. I didn’t know if she was on the phone or just obnoxiously talking to Lucy, but regardless, she was killing all the sexy feelings I’d woken with.

I headed into the shower and turned on the water, letting the steam fill the room. As it did, I thought about how nice it would be to have some sort of tropical retreat. It was feasible with the money I had, but not with the lifestyle. And I couldn’t really imagine getting Cassie to drop everything just to run off with me to some remote island, either.

But, I had long since grown used to having fantasies. I’d been stuck in an unhappy relationship for years, and beyond that, Lucy had taken all my time so dating was out of the question. I enjoyed the fantasies I had about Cassie, and as I thought about her once more, my cock got hard yet again.

This time, however, I didn’t have my ex’s voice drifting into my mind to kill the mood. This time I could indulge in the thoughts I had about Cassie, and I was more than happy to do so.

I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift back to that romantic bungalow and the thought of Cassie walking over to the bed without a shred of clothing on. I was still foggy and felt almost as if my brain itself was lagging, but I could gather enough focus to be able to do what was on my mind. As I took my cock in my hand, I transported myself in my mind to where I wished I was in real life.

I just wished someday it would be a dream come true.

Chapter Nineteen


Ifelt a little uncertain when I pulled up in front of Alex’s house.

I had a long, hard conversation with my two sisters, and they convinced me to come talk to him first thing that morning. I hadn’t wanted to make a thing of it, but it was Angela who really pointed out I didn’t have much of a choice on that front.

“You’re pregnant,” she said. “That’s sort of a thing.”

“She’s right,” Teresa chimed in. “What are you going to do? Work it into a conversation? Just sort of slip it in as though it’s not a big deal?”

“This is a big deal, sis,” Angela continued. “It’s not like a big, bad thing, but it’s a thing. You can’t just ignore it, and I would say out of fairness to him, you should give him the decency of going to tell him the truth in person.”

“Okay fine,” I said. “I just. I don’t know. I’m so embarrassed.”

“Why?” Angela asked. “You’re an adult, and you had sex. That’s not embarrassing. Turns out you could wind up getting pregnant from doing it, but that’s just the way it is. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“Fair,” I said. “Alright. I’ll talk to him.”

As I stood in front of his large mansion, however, I wasn’t feeling as bold. I had no idea what to say. The fact I was showing up at his place on a Sunday should clue him into the fact that there was something amiss. I wasn’t the kind of person who showed up without asking first anyway, and the only reason I’d done so today was because I wanted to make sure I got to talk to him.