“My name is Cassie Alvarez,” I said, trying not to let my mind tell me his voice was sexy. “You spoke with my sister not too long ago about our nanny business.”

“Yes, that’s right,” he said. His voice was like honey, I swore.

“I apologize, but my sister Angela isn’t going to be able to do the interview tomorrow, so I’m going to take over. I have some things going on earlier in the day, but are you free around three-thirty?”

“That works for me,” he said. “Do you need the address? I’m assuming it’s still the same place.”

“Same place, same everything except not Angela,” I said with a nervous laugh. “Thank you for understanding.”

“It’s not a problem,” he said. “I look forward to meeting you in person.”

“Likewise,” I told him.

I hung up the phone and rubbed my eyes with both my hands. I didn’t know what had come over me. I never giggled on thephone, and I never thought someone was sexy based on their voice alone. Perhaps I was just tired after the day.

Perhaps the stress was getting to me, and I was about ready to lose it for real.

All I knew was that I now had another thing on my to-do list the next day, and I had no idea how I was going to make it happen.

The only saving grace about the entire situation was the fact that it was money, and if this man was anything like the other family I’d worked for in his neighborhood, the tips alone would be enough to keep the business going for a while longer.

I just hoped that this would work out and perhaps I could finally start to get ahead with something in my life.

And it couldn’t hurt if the guy was as sexy as his voice sounded, either.

Chapter Six


Ihad absolutely no idea what to expect.

I’d given the woman on the phone – Teresa – the address to my house, but through texting her sister, Cassie, we decided to do the interview at the small park that wasn’t too far from my place.

It was a beautiful day, and I figured taking Lucy somewhere she could run around and play would make this interview easier. I hoped so, anyway.

I was pushing Lucy on the swing, letting her laugh and talk about nothing as I did.

“Higher, Daddy! Higher!” she shouted. “I want higher!”

“You’re going high enough, don’t you think?” I asked.

“Higher!” she cried.

“Okay,” I said. “Hang on then.”

I pushed her a little harder, but I didn’t make her go much higher than she had been. She was strapped safely into the swing, but if she thought she was going higher, then I was happy.

In all honesty, I was nervous.

Far more nervous than I even thought possible for what I was doing.

I was the man who had made a billion-dollar business out of risk-taking behavior, yet here I was, feeling as nervous as a teenage guy on his first date. And all I was doing was talking to this woman about watching Lucy for me a few times during the week.

I knew part of the nerves came from the fact I had been burned by my ex-wife. I didn’t trust very many people to begin with, and the idea of handing my daughter over to some strange woman wasn’t the most thrilling thing in my mind. But I also knew I had to have someone who wasn’t my ex taking care of my daughter.

And, short of going out and dating, this was the best way to find someone who would be a good influence on her.

The car pulled up right on time, which I found to be a good sign.