“Yes, Elena,” I muttered. But before I picked up the phone, I crossed myself again.Please let there be someone out there for me,someone awesome,I prayed.If not today, then someday.
I didn’t know if God was listening, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.
I droppedmy car with the valet outside the restaurant where I was meeting James and his family. “Take care of my baby.” I handed the valet a hundred and sauntered inside. I scanned the party, which was already in full swing. It was a typical Preston family affair. All the guests were impeccably dressed, rich AF, attractive, and athletic.
That’s how billionaires rolled.
I saw James across the room. He was standing with a gorgeous woman, someone I’d never seen before. I hadn’t known he was dating anyone. She was beautiful, young, brunette, with big eyes. She stared up at James like he was the only man on earth. Much to my surprise, he seemed to be eating it up. My best friend was never one for romance, not that I’d ever seen. He’d had plenty of women in his life, but he never seemed that taken with them.
This girl seemed to be an exception. He wasbeamingat her.
Intrigued, I crossed the crowded room in two strides, then clapped my buddy on the back. “Well, aren’t you two just adorable.”
“Ow, Cole,” James said, turning and grinning. “You don’t have to hit me that hard.”
“Yes, I do,” I said and pulled him in for a quick hug—a move I reserved for the few people I actually counted on in my life. “It’s been too damn long since I’ve seen you.” We’d been best friends for almost twenty years. We’d met at Wharton, where we drank, played pickup basketball, and sometimes fought over women.
I usually won. Scratch that—Ialwayswon. Not because I was better looking or more charming, although I’d like to believe I was both. I won because I could simply outlast James. He would eventually give up and go home. I never would. I’d fight until my last breath. I loved winning; he loved letting me be an asshole.
“It’s not my fault you’re so busy with your stupid hockey team,” James said. He was, of course, referring to my NHL farm team, theThunder, and the fact that I’d become obsessed with building my roster. We hadn’t seen each other in months.
“It’s not a stupid team, and you’re right, it’s not your fault we haven’t seen each other. Maybe it’s hers?” I asked, motioning to the gorgeous woman standing next to him.
I slithered past James to his date. “It’s lovely to meet you,” I said, taking her hand and beaming down at her—much like James had been doing.
She quickly looked at him as if to ask a question, then smiled back at me tentatively.
“I’m Audrey Reynolds,” she said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”
“Cole Bryson. And the pleasure’s all mine.”
“Down boy,” James said, inserting himself between us. “Audrey’s mine. She’s agreed to be my date through these two horrible weeks.”
“So she’s beautifulandbrave.” I reluctantly dropped her hand.
“Yes. She is.” He took another step protectively toward Audrey and wrapped his arm around her as if he was worried I was going to poach his date.
Audrey turned to him and laughed. “I’ll give you two a minute to catch up,” she said, pulling away and handing him her plate of half-eaten crab cakes.
Oh boy.
I observed them, intrigued, as she kissed James gently on the cheek.
“I’ll be right back.”
James watched her head down the hallway to the ladies’ room, a mesmerized look on his face.
“I thought I’d never see the day,” I said. “You’re inlovewith that girl.”
He quickly recovered, wiping the smitten look from his face and scoffing at me. “You just got here,” he said. “Don’t start being an asshole already.”
“I’ve never seen you look at a woman like that before,” I said. I motioned to the plate he was holding. “And you atecrab. You hate crab. You must be totally in love with her.”
“Oh, fuck off, Cole,” James said.