“Why?” I blinked at my friend. Dre was gorgeous and smart. She had nice manners and used big words. She was perfect; she had nothing to be nervous about.
“I’m worried about being around his whole family for two weeks, for starters,” she said, hitching the collar of her dress. “And going to all those brunches and cocktail hours. Then, a vacation. That’s a lot of family time…and I’m pretending to be someone else. Someone normal. Educated.”
“Dre, youarenormal. And smart. You’re the smartest girl I know!” I hugged her again. “He’s gonna love you. He’s gonna love you in that blue dress you got on. You look good, girl. He might even try tobuyyou.”
Sometimes, the clients liked a girl so much that they “bought” her. In other words, they paid her enough money that she didn’t have to turn tricks anymore. He would then be her exclusive, moving up from her “John” to her “Sugar Daddy.” Or her “boyfriend.” Or her whatever!
She laughed. “Buyme? Like a sweater?”
“Yeah, like his own personal sweater. Don’t be silly—you know what I mean. He might really like you. Enough to not want to just rent you.” I slapped her playfully on the ass. “Although he’s gonna enjoy renting you!”
Audrey laughed and swatted me away. “I don’t think it’s going to get that serious. Elena told me he said no sex.”
What?I felt stunned, as though she’d slapped me. “Shut the fuck up!” Who hired an escort and then didn’t sleep with her?
She shrugged. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing,” she mumbled.
“Oh, Dre, when you see him? You’ll know that would be the absolute worst thing that could happen to you. I’m telling you, he is?—”
“Frickin’, panty-liquefying hot,” she finished my sentence. “Thank you. I’m glad you approve.”
Audrey grabbed my hands again. “Listen, I’m not gonna be able to talk to you for the next two weeks. I’m gonna miss you. You have to take care of yourself—don’t let Loopsy push you around. I mean it.”
I had a bunch of regular clients, one of whom was Loopsy. He wasn’t my favorite—he had an unpleasant body odor and sagging balls. Sometimes, when he drank, he got nasty. But he paid, so I never said no to taking a date with him.
There was a knock on the door, and Elena poked her head in. “Dre, Mr. Preston is ready for you. Jenny, Loopsy’s called for you. Twice.”
“Tell him I don’t want to see him and his nasty, saggy balls.”I’d rather have a billionaire like Dre!
The madam frowned. “Just kidding, Elena!” I said quickly. It was almost the first of the month, and I had to pay rent. “Tell the squirrelly little bastard I miss him—and his nasty, saggy balls.”
I turned to Dre and gave her one last hug. “If Loopsy ends up buying me, and James Preston ends up buying you…I’ll be frickin’ hurt. I mean it.”
Audrey squeezed me back, and I could tell she was getting emotional. “I’m gonna miss you, Jenny…be safe.” She sniffled.
“I’m gonna miss you, too…but don’t be such a baby,” I chided, winking at her. I couldn’t have my bestie getting all upset before she met her billionaire. “And if he lets you get in there…suck it hard, girl! Let him know what it feels like to have arealwoman.”
“Okay.” She laughed. “I will suck it. Hard.”
“That’s a relief,” said a man’s voice from near the door.
Dre and I just looked at each other, eyes wide. Then I whooped with laughter, and we both turned toward the door. There stood James Preston, with his steel-blue eyes, dark hair, and massive shoulders underneath his suit.
Audrey did a double-take, and I knew it right then. She thought he was the most gorgeous man alive!
“Mr. Preston,” she said and smiled bravely. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
An awkward silence ensued until Elena bustled in, talking to James and getting Dre’s things together. I just stood there, watching, wondering if I was ever going to get a billionaire of my own or if it was just going to be Loopsy and his sad balls for the rest of my life. But I wasn’t jealous; I was happy for Audrey. She worked this job to keep her brother in a really nice group home, and she was always helping me and everyone else. No one deserved happiness and a little good luck more than her.
“Bye, Jenny,” Audrey called over her shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye!” I called, clapping my hands together. “Have fun!”
I watched as James Preston led her out the door. Then, I crossed myself and said a quick prayer.Please let Dre be safe. And please let her live happily ever after,I added for good measure.
Like I said, Dre deserved it. And no one would be more happy for her than me—even if I did get left behind with old Loopsy.
“Jenny!” Elena hollered. “Please call your client back!”