“What about you and Cole?”

I laughed. “I am going to suck him as dry as I can—him and his wallet!”

Audrey finished drying her eyes, and I linked my arm through hers. “You ready?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Then let’s go bat some billionaires around like cat toys,” I said, giving my friend a wicked grin.

Our little groupwas quite popular that evening. Everyone wanted to have a drink with the two gorgeous billionaires and their super-hot, mysterious dates. Even Evie—the skinny, bitchy, bride-to-be—seemed impressed.

She and Todd, James’s brother, were talking to us. Upon closer inspection, Evie was pretty in a snotty, tailored, Boston-proper sort of way. She was wasted, teetering in her fancy shoes as she eyed first James, then Cole up and down.

“You own part of the Thunder?” Evie asked, her flat chest pressed out toward Cole. She looked at him as if he was some sort of rock-star, farm-team-owning Greek God. And she was totally ignoring the fact that he had his arm around me, his date! Not to mention her fiancé standing next to her.

Not on my watch, bitch.

I stepped in front of Cole. “Yeah, he does,” I said. I thrust out my much more formidable chest, daring Evie to come closer.

She was about to say something back when Todd interrupted. “Are you flirting with the best man’s best friend?” he asked his fiancée. They were both slurring their words a little; the cocktail “hour” had been going for three hours straight.

Evie tossed her hair and narrowed her eyes at him. “Sorry, baby,” she said in what sounded like her version of a sexy voice. “Old habits die hard.”

“You mean once a slutty sorority girl, always a slutty sorority girl?” Todd asked, grinning at her.

“That’s exactly what I mean.” She grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a quick, hot kiss. Todd lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. They headed to a dark corner for some serious making out and grinding.

“They’re drunk,” Cole said. He turned to me, eyes ablaze. “But enough about them—you are so hot when you fight for me, babe.”

“That wasn’t even a fight,” I said, tossing my hair. “If you want to see me throw down, just bring that bitch back here.”

Cole looked impressed. “That’s so hot—that’s thebride, Jenny. You gonna fight the bride for me?”

“I would, baby,” I cooed, pressing myself against him. We started seriously making out then, with Cole’s hands all over my ass. Almost getting into a fight with Evie had gotten me all hot and bothered. Howdareshe try and flirt with my man! Hot pride bloomed in my chest as his hands roamed over me. He deepened our kiss. I forgot all about James and Audrey, all about Evie, and all about batting billionaires around like cat toys.

Iwas being batted around, and I liked it.

As the night wore on, the party got increasingly louder. It seemed as though everybody was drinking a lot and having a good time. Todd and Evie were still dry-humping in their corner—I was pretty sure the uptight Preston family didn’t lovethat!

James and Audrey snuck out a little before midnight. Audrey winked at me, and I gave her a thumbs-up. Cole still had his hands on my ass, just where I liked them.

“Do you want to get out of here, too?” Cole whispered.

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

Cole was toodrunk to drive. He called for a private car. Five minutes later, a black Escalade pulled in front of the restaurant. The driver hopped out, opened the door for us, and then whisked us off into the night.

Being a billionaire didn’t suck.

In the back of the Escalade, Cole threw his arm around me. I snuggled against him. He kissed the top of my head, then yawned. “It’s pretty late to head to the game. Some other ones are coming up, babe. Want to go to one of them instead?”

I’d forgotten all about theThunderand our box seats. The nine rum punches must’ve clouded my thoughts. I yawned, too. “Absofuckinglutely. It’s been a long day. A long one, but a good one.”

“I agree.” He kissed the top of my head again. “I agree.”

We stumbled into the Liberty, and I was relieved that the bitchy Windsor sisters were long gone. Up in the penthouse suite, I carefully stripped out of my dress, hung it up, washed off my makeup, and brushed my teeth. Then I climbed into bed next to Cole and sighed when I rested my head on his insanely soft pillows.

“This is nice, Coley. Real nice.”