Jenny askedme to pick out a dress for the event while she showered. I looked through the clothes she’d packed, but none of them were pretty enough. Some of them were nice, even with designer labels. But none of them were quite right. Jenny deserved the best.
I called Shirley, and God bless her, she picked up on the first ring. “Drop whatever it is you’re doing. I have a code-red assignment for you.”
“I’m organizing the office for theForbesphoto shoot!” Shirley sounded out of breath. “I thoughtthatwas code red!”
“This is code-red-red.” I chuckled. “I need you to go to Saks ASAP. I need a sexy black dress, size six, preferably Givenchy. My date will look good in Givenchy.”
I couldn’t see Shirley, but I pictured her clapping a hand over her heart.
“That’s right.” I grinned. “Her name’s Jenny, and she’swickednice. So get her a great dress, okay? I want her to feel comfortable at this party tonight.”
“Yes, Mr. Bryson! Right away!”
I felt like Santa Claus by the time I hung up the phone. I’d made Shirley happy; I was going to make Jenny happy. Then I remembered that I had another call to make, and I started feeling like The Grinch instead.
“Hey, Ramos. It’s Cole Bryson.”
“I know who it is! You’re in my contacts list,” Ramos said easily. “What’s up?”
“I need a favor.”
He sighed. “Is this about your old man? He’s been a nightmare. He’s trying to buy me off so I’ll give him approvals for his project.”
“First, he tries to buy you off,” I explained, “then he tries to ruin you. So here’s what I’m thinking…” We talked for a few minutes about another deal we’d been working on, and I agreed to a few concessions if he would consider taking another look at my father’s approvals.
I didn’t buy Ramos off, and I didn’t do anything shady concerning my business. I negotiated. And he agreed to take another look, with no promises that my father would win the approvals. This wouldn’t satisfy my father, but it satisfied me that I’d held up my part of the bargain. The rest was up to him.
Jenny took forever in the shower and then blow-drying her hair. I could hear her singing an old Whitney Houston song. She continued to belt it out as she dried her curls.Adorable.
When was the last time I found anyone or anythingadorable?
Never.I don’t think I’d ever used the word.
Like most things of a remotely emotional nature, I decided not to think about it. Instead, I got busy reviewing some workwhile she dried her hair. I put my feet up, feeling more relaxed than I had in years. I read some proposals, enjoying myself. It was pleasant, sitting in my penthouse, working, while the sound of the blow-dryer blared from the bathroom, almost drowning out Jenny’s tone-deaf singing. It was nice to have her here. I chuckled to myself.Jenny gives good relaxation!She was worth every penny and more.
I’d almost finished with the proposals when the intercom buzzed. “I have Shirley here,” Amari said. “Shall I send her up?”
“Yes, please.”
Shirley was red-faced and out of breath by the time she burst through the door.
I rose, setting my work aside. “That was fast.”
“I know—you said it was code-red-red. So I got here as fast as I could.” She triumphantly held up a garment bag. “And I got the mostgorgeousdress.”
“Cole!” Jenny hollered from the bathroom. “How the heck do I clip this dryer to the thingy on the wall? This is too high-tech for me!”
“Don’t worry about it!” I called back.
Shirley’s eyes were wide with excitement. “Your date’shere?”
Shirley was the best, but she was also as nosy as the Windsor sisters. “Yes, but she’s busy getting ready. Can I take that?” I motioned for the garment bag.
“I can’t figure that dang thing out!” Jenny burst into the room, wearing one of my white T-shirts and nothing else. “Oh, hey! Sorry, I didn’t realize Cole had a guest. I’m Jenny.” Unabashed, she came over to us and smiled at Shirley.
“I’m Shirley.” My assistant grinned from ear to ear. “Mr. Bryson’s assistant.”