Page 56 of The Forever Promise

He frowned. “I’m pretty sure I do.”

“About Felicia? She told you?” My voice rose. I didn’t want to believe that Bryce had not only known about the proposed plan but that he’d sanctioned it.

“Don’t get upset, Chloe. It’s not like any of this is real. Olivia’s run some tests, and she thinks this is a good hook.”

I blinked at him again. “What, exactly, is a good hook?” I wanted to hear him say it.

He had the decency to look slightly uncomfortable. “The ‘heiress wants him back’ hook.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Of course not,” he said quickly. “But they’re moving forward with opening a formal investigation into my father’s trades. If that happens—and it looks like it probably will—our stock could go into a free fall. I can’t let that happen.”

I scrunched my forehead. “None of this makes sense to me. Why would you think that pretending we’re involved in some love triangle with Felicia Jones will help your company? It’s a dumb idea! Why would we want to look like there’s even more drama in our lives?”

He held up his hands. “I said the same thing to Olivia before she met with you. But she’s done work like this before—she knows what she’s doing, even if I hate it. She’s convinced that because you tested so well with the public, this angle will drive support for you and, as an extension, for me.”

“So you think this will help you. Andthatwill help your company.” I didn’t phrase it as a question because there was no point: I already knew the answer.

He blew out a deep breath. “I don’t like it, Chloe, but I’m running out of time here. I think we have to try it.”

“Even if I hate the idea?” I struggled to find my composure. Losing it wouldn’t help me right now, and I needed all the help I could get.

“Even if you hate the idea,” he said. “If it’s any consolation, I hate it, too.”

“I bet your father doesn’t hate it.”

He sighed. “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. He’s the one who got us into this mess. It’s my job to get us out of it.”

“I’m not happy that Felicia’s involved.”

Bryce nodded. “I’m not happy, either.”

“I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” My stomach tied itself into a knot. “I heard that she was here the day before I came back. Is that true?”

Bryce didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

“Why? Why was she here?”

“Because I had to talk to her in person. I needed to tell her the deal my father asked her to consult on had fallen through,” Bryce said.

“You couldn’t do that in a phone call?”

“I could have. But it was business—theendof some business. She thought she’d be partnering with us on a venture, and it didn’t work out. When something like that happens, and I have to tell someone news that’s going to make them unhappy, I prefer to do it face-to-face. I think that’s the decent way to handle it.”

“Even though your wife wouldn’t like it.” I stuck out my chin. “You know I don’t want her anywhere near you.”

“You weren’t on the island, and like I said, it was just business.” Bryce looked straight at me: he didn’t appear to be hiding anything. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it. I didn’t eventhinkof telling you—ever since you’ve been back, I’ve been…occupied.”

“You should’ve told me. But…fine.” A business meeting was a business meeting, right? Still, as I sat there, fidgeting, I started to feel a little sorry for myself.

“Now I need to askyousomething. I’ll be direct,” Bryce said. “Will you help me do what Olivia’s asking? Will you give this a try and help me to save my company?”

“Of course, I will.” I didn’t hesitate; my answer was automatic. How could I say no to him? Not only was he paying me millions, but I would do anything for him. Literally. Me saying yes to this was proof of that.

His shoulders relaxed. “Thank you. I’m sorry we have to do it, but it’s not really a big deal. Right? It’s just pictures on the internet. Olivia said she’ll book you for some morning talk shows. It won’t be that bad, right?”

“Right.” I forced myself to smile at him, but inside, I was hurting. I didn’t want to do this; heknewI didn’t want to do it. And yet, he was still asking me to move forward in order to save Windsor Enterprises.