Page 47 of The Forever Promise

That’s when the pictures of Felicia began. There were only two of them—her staring at Bryce, then her looking upset when we’d left the restaurant. The caption read:The honeymoon’s over for ex-flame.

Ugh, the past wasn’t in the past now. Instead, it was all over the internet. But the article only stated that Bryce and Felicia had been previously “linked as a couple” and then went on to say the heiress was rumored to be dating a guitar player for some famous band.Please God, let that be true.It was the first I’d heard of it.

I watched Bryce’s expression when he scrolled to the section about Felicia, but he seemed indifferent. However, his brow did arch when he clicked on the next batch of pictures, which were of us in a heated embrace below deck on his yacht.They Just Can’t Keep Their Hands Off Each Other, read the caption.

Jake watched his big brother, a bemused expression on his face. “I never thought I’d see the day. Not only are you in the tabloids, but you lookhappy.” He turned to me. “Nice work, Chloe.”

“Ha.” I didn’t know what to say.

“How did you two meet, anyway?” Jake got a sparkle in his eye. “I didn’t even know Bryce was seeing anyone. Next thing I heard, he was married.”

“It was love at first sight, silly.” Daphne came to our rescue by inserting herself into the conversation. “She was working at a Dunkin’ Donuts, of all things, and Bryce kept going in to get coffee while he was onsite down in Boston. The rest is history.”

“Interesting.” Jake looked skeptically at his brother. “I can’t picture you in a Dunkin’s, let alone chatting up one of the workers.”

“Chloe was irresistible.” Bryce kept his hand clamped on me.

“I can see that.” When Bryce scowled, Jake grinned. “I mean, I can see thatyoufind her irresistible. I’m really happy for you two.”

“Thanks, Jake.” Bryce relaxed. “If Dad has his way, it sounds like you’re next.”

“Not going to happen. I don’t know why the old man’s so intent on marriage, anyway. What’s he on, number four now? Or is it five?”

Daphne slid her sunglasses down her nose and glared at him. “I’m sitting right here. You know that, right?”

“Sorry.” Jake waved her off. “It’s nothing personal, Daphne. I just mean, in general—why is Dad so fixated on us getting married?”

“He thinks it makes us look more stable to the shareholders. I think he might be right about that. It sends a message that you’ve grown up, put away your toys, and are ready for real commitments.” Bryce snaked his arm protectively around my shoulders and pulled me closer. “I personally think being married is…great. Itdoesmake your life more stable. I enjoy it.”

Jake and Daphne openly gaped at him. I couldn’t see my own face, but I probably was, too.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jake looked impressed. “On to other pressing matters. How the hell are we going to break the news to Dad that you paid ten million for this place?”

Daphne spit out her water.

Bryce shrugged. “Mom would’ve wanted me to. I’ll tell him that.”

Jake nodded, then rolled onto his back to face the sun. “That’s a good reason.”

“I know,” Bryce said.



The restof the afternoon passed in a similar fashion. It was surprisingly pleasant spending time with Daphne and Bryce’s brothers. By the end of the day, I felt more comfortable with all three of them. My mother was an only child, so we didn’t have cousins; I didn’t grow up with a lot of family around. But as Captain Johnny drove us home and we all made plans for dinner that evening, a tiny, funny feeling settled into my stomach.

I felt…happy.

Bryce kept his arm around me all day, and I probably had a contact high from that. But it was also nice to have his brothers visiting the island. Jake was sweet, observant, and a little introspective. Colby made friends with everyone and was generous with his laughter and attention. Even Daphne, who was so often scheming and insufferable, wasn’t all bad. She’d shown me pictures of how she was decorating the nursery. She shared the designer brand of baby clothes she’d started ordering. She hinted that she wanted me to throw her a baby shower before her husband ended up in jail.

When we got back to the house, and Colby started throwing a football to my brother, it all felt a bit surreal. Not that long ago, I’d only had Noah. I’d lost my mother, who had been my heart, the person I’d been closest to in the world.

Not long ago, my step-monster Lydia had thrown us out on the streets, and my father hadn’t stood up for us because he never stood up for us. I’d felt so alone. Not to mention desperate—which had gotten me onto theSugar Finderapp and introduced me to Elena the Madam in the first place. Now I was married and living on Bryce Windsor’s private island. It was the opposite of my life before, not just because of the wealth surrounding me. I wasn’t alone anymore. I didn’t have to do it all myself. I had…

I had love in my life. I still didn’t want to admit it to myself, but it was true. I was in love with Bryce. The thought of being separated from him ever again was terrifying.

So don’t think about it.As we stood outside on the lawn, I reached for his hand and squeezed it. My heart stopped when he looked up from his phone and smiled at me.