Page 29 of The Forever Promise



We climbed backinto the jeep. I was sore from our lovemaking; at the same time, I wanted more.

At the same time, I wanted nothing to do with Bryce ever again.

Why had I done it?He’d said he didn’t want to have sex with me but that he couldn’t stop himself. So why hadIdone it? But of course, I already knew the truth. I wanted him, but that wasn’t the reason.

It was because I was still in love with him.

What we’d done in the clearing wasn’t love. That was sex. It had beengreatsex, but it was still just sex. And sex wasn’t love: I’d do well to remember that.

Head on straight, Chloe. And keep your legs together!

We drove the jeep along the grassy trail to the other edge of the forest. It opened onto a rocky beach. Bryce maneuvered over the stones as the salty ocean air whipped my ponytail. He parked away from the crashing surf, then turned to me. “Do you know how to skim rocks?”

“What? No.” I could begin to keep up with him and his moods.Push Chloe away.Have sex with Chloe. Push Chloe away again. Skim rocks with Chloe.WTF?

“I bet you’re a natural.” Bryce helped me down from the jeep. My legs were still wobbly from our encounter in the clearing. For a moment, I hung onto him.

He surprised me by wrapping his arm around me and rubbing my back. “I enjoyed the hell out of that,” he said.

“Yeah. Me too,” I mumbled. When I tried to pull away, he caught me.

“What’s the matter?”

I blinked up at him.Game face, Chloe.But I was too raw to pretend. “You seriously need to ask me that?”

His brow furrowed. “I’m asking, yes. What’s the matter? I don’t understand.

I hesitated for a second, but my emotions were climbing, getting the better of me. “Why did you say that to me?”

“What?” He looked confused. “That I enjoyed it?”

“Yes.” I yanked free.I should just let it go.“No.”But it’s too late.

“Well, which one is it?”

I straightened my shoulders. “Back in the clearing—why did you say you didn’t want to have sex with me?”

Bryce scowled and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know.”

“Yes you do,” I challenged. “And I want to know why.”

“I already told you.” He turned and faced the water.

“Tell me again.” My voice was hoarse.

He stared out at the incoming tide. “It’s because I lose control. Every time I’m with you, I lose control.”

“That’s not how it seemed to me. You seemed like you knew exactly what you were doing.”

Bryce sighed and held out a hand for me. “Can you come here?”

I crossed my arms against my chest and didn’t budge.

“Fine.” Bryce watched the water. “It’s safer this way.”