Page 25 of The Forever Promise

She stopped before we reached the door. “Speaking of other plans…” Her gaze flicked over me.

I shivered. “Yes, Hazel?”

“Are you planning on staying this time? Or will you leave when it suits you again?”

I took a step back. “I didn’t want to leave. Mr. Windsor asked me to.”

Hazel pursed her lips as she opened the door. “As a child, Mr. Windsor used to cry for his mother. His father punished him for it. He said no boy should act like that.”

I winced. Gene Windsor really was a douche.

“After that,” Hazel continued, “when he would get upset, he told everyone to go away and leave him alone. It was a coping mechanism, you see.”

I blinked at her. “I’m not sure of what you’re getting at.”

She glanced out the door. “He’s waiting for you. And you know that Mr. Windsor doesn’t like to wait.”

“Right. Thanks, Hazel.”

She disappeared without another peep.

Pondering her words, I made my way around the corner and almost ran smack-dab into Bryce and a mammoth, spotless black jeep. It had wide, giant tires, a roof rack with a row of spotlights, and some sort of tow rope attached to the front. Bryce himself was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off his muscular legs and a tight-fitting T-shirt, the kind that showcased his enormous shoulders and made my mouth water.

Not that my mouth was watering or anything.

“Wow. You were serious about the jeep—it looks like it eats other jeeps for breakfast.” I walked around it, fascinated.

“Have you ridden in one before?” From behind his sunglasses, Bryce appeared to be staring at my sports bra.

“No, but one of the popular girls in my class had a red one. I was always jealous.” I’d watch her drive by, hair blowing in the breeze, music blasting, seeming like she didn’t have a care in the world.

“Well, now you have a jeep, too. So you don’t have to be jealous.”

“Does that mean you’re going to let me drive?”

“Absolutely not.” Bryce lifted me inside, his hand firmly and strategically on my ass, then stepped back and watched as I buckled in. “I like that outfit, too.”

“There’s not much to it.” My boobs were on full display.

“I know.” He sounded pleased. “You owe me, by the way.”

For the handjob you wouldn’t let me finish this morning?“For what?”

He fingered the sleeve of his T-shirt, all the better to let his colossal bicep peek out. “I’m not wearing the suit. What did we bet, again? I can’t remember.”

“We didn’t actually bet on anything. You just said that you could off-road with the best of them.” I slid my sunglasses down. “So let’s see it, Boss. And maybe you can tell me more about what the heck Olivia Jensen wants from us?”

He frowned as he turned the jeep on, and it rumbled to life. “She’s asking for a lot. Unfortunately, I think we have to give it to her.”

We rolled out down the road, Bryce’s gorgeous home fading into the distance behind us. We passed the guesthouse on our left, a fairytale “cottage” where Daphne had briefly stayed. It appeared empty now, but maybe the lawyers and Olivia Jensen were staying there.

We came to the end of the pavement, and the road turned to dirt. Bryce picked up speed, and I enjoyed the feel of the wind whipping my ponytail, the sun on my face, and the sound of the ocean crashing in the distance.

“They’re going to start following us and taking pictures,” Bryce said, raising his voice over the wind. “We have to be very hands-on. Are you okay with that?”

“I guess so.” I nodded. I craved it, even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself.

He reached over and squeezed my thigh. “Good.”