Page 18 of The Forever Promise

I chased him out. Apparently my dignity had left the building, along with my self-control. “Why won’t you let me touch you?”

“Because.” He concentrated on drying his legs, huge thigh muscles taunting me.


Bryce wrapped the towel around his waist, his still-erect penis straining against it. “Because I said so. Now go get dressed—Midge should be waiting. She’ll do your hair and makeup. We don’t have much time.”

With that, my husband stalked from the room, leaving me lost and alone once again.



Midge eyed me with concern.“What’s the matter? Your complexion looks good, but your expression doesn’t. Did everything go okay?”

I shrugged. “It was fine. I guess I just feel a little…off-balance.” That was putting it mildly. Once again, Bryce had given me whiplash. He’d claimed my body and made me see stars; then, he’d refused to let me touchhim. But I couldn’t get into the details of our bathroom encounter with Midge.

I checked the time—I didn’t have much. “We have a meeting with the lawyers.” I fidgeted, my nerves beginning to thrum. “Can you help me? I don’t know what to wear!”

“I’ve got you covered, hon.” Midge went to the wardrobe and pulled out an expensive-looking black blazer and a pair of white trousers. “Billionaire-wife chic. Nobody’s going to look better than you!”

“Thank you, Midge.” I blew out a sigh of relief. “How’s Daphne doing?” I asked as she ordered me into the bathroom and started detangling my hair.

“She’s been kind of quiet, actually.” Midge looked thoughtful. “Maybe she’s worried she’s not going to get any money if Mr. Windsor goes to jail or something.”

“Right.” I wondered how long it would be before the staff knew the truth.

“Of course,” Midge said as she whipped out the blowdryer, “maybe she’s been quiet because she’s pregnant with Michael Jones’s baby, and she doesn’t want the whole world finding out. Ya know?”

I laughed. “You guys always know everything, don’t you?”

“The help usually does.” Midge waggled her eyebrows. “Except we didn’t know where you went two weeks ago.Thatwas driving everyone bonkers!” She started drying my hair, and when she was finished, she chattered at me good-naturedly while doing my makeup. By the time she’d gotten me into my outfit, I was feeling and looking much better.

“Thank you so much, Midge.” I smoothed the blazer. She’d added a diamond-cross necklace and diamond stud earrings, sparkly but tasteful. “I look like an adult.”

“You look like aWindsor.” She winked at me. “And the best-looking Windsor of them all, if I do say so myself. Now go forth and meet with the lawyers—and then you and Mr. Windsor should sneak off someplace secluded and have make-up sex.”


She shooed me from the room. “Midge knows best! Make-up sex makes everything better. Just try it!”

I pondered her advice as I headed down the stairs. Since we’d already fooled around, maybe I could convince Bryce that a little make-up sex might be a good idea…

But he’d rejected me.Again.After giving me one of his signature mind-blowing orgasms. What the hell did he want from me, anyway?

And why was I still obsessing over having sex with him? Ugh, I needed to get a grip!

Bryce waited at the landing, handsome as ever in a dark-blue suit. He scowled as he read something on his phone.

“I’m ready,” I lied. I’d love nothing better than to run, screaming, back to The Stratum.

He glanced up, his eyes widening as he took me in. “I like that outfit. You look great.”

“Oh! Thanks.” Once again, my husband had caught me off guard. I hadn’t expected a compliment; I’d prepared myself for more of a grunt. “I don’t think I’ve ever worn a jacket like this before.”

“It suits you.” His gaze trailed down me, and maybe I imagined it, but he looked like he was hungry. “We should get to my father’s. I want to speak to him before everyone else arrives.” He reached for my hand as though it was the most natural thing in the world. Once our fingers entwined, familiar, inconvenient electricity ran through me. I wondered if he felt it. Or was I alone in that, too?

Bryce led me down the hall, where the staff waited to greet us.