I fumed, hands clenched—but thankfully, not my vagina—as I stormed out to the patio. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks echoed the feelings inside me; tumultuous, heavy, relentless. Why was Bryce treating me this way? Just when I thought he was being human, that we might do something normal like share a meal, he pushed me away.
Then he dangled the fact that I was his hired plaything in front of me.
When we’d been happy, he’d never made me feel like I was his hired plaything. Now he was treating me like I was a piece of meat—perhaps his favorite cut of sirloin. Something to devour and then, to cruelly forget.
I shivered.Whydid his words ignite a spark deep inside me? Why did I want him to want me when he obviously didn’t love me? I was settling for being needed—in an interview, in his bed.
I was young and inexperienced, but I knew that being needed was not the same thing as being loved. Not even close.
If I’d ever felt like a whore, it was right now.
Dinner was delicious—somesort of traditional Spanish dish of chicken with garlic and rosemary, God bless Chef—but I was too pissed to enjoy it. Did Bryce seriously think I was going to have sex with him tonight? He’d fired me. He’d told me marrying me was a mistake. He’dbroken my heart. And then he’d paid me mega-bucks to return to the island so that I could play the role of supportive wife for the cameras.
And sleep in his bed.
And only speak to other men in the company of a chaperone.
And have sex with him whenever he wanted.
I’ll see you in bed, Mrs. Windsor.
Why did that make my insides twist? Why was I clenching when I wanted to smack him for treating me so poorly, for throwing me away like I was East Boston trash?
My vagina was a traitor. I was almost as pissed at it as I was at Bryce—almost. I had some empathy, though. I remembered what it felt like to have him inside me,deep, stroking the places only he could ever reach. I’d been a virgin when he’d taken me, completely inexperienced. Still, I was alive. I washuman. Even though I had nothing to compare it to, I knew the sex had been off-the-charts spectacular. Bryce had made me come so hard I’d seen stars. He’d made me come so hard I’d almost passed out.
My vagina clenched again.Stop it stop it stop it!!!
Sighing, I picked up my plate and headed for the kitchen. I didn’t want to go to bed. I didn’t want whatever was going to happen between my husband and me to happen. I was pretty sure I was going to cry when he touched me; it would be awful.
Having sex with him, knowing that he didn’t love me? It would break me once and for all.
“Mrs. Windsor,please!” A harsh, disapproving voice surprised me. “Let me take that for you. You don’t need to clean up!”
I yelped as Hazel sprung out at me from a dark corner of the hallway. The last time I’d seen the head maid and her spindly little legs, Bryce had forced her to bring me clothes (I’d been naked) and keep watch outside of his room (I’d been his prisoner). Good times.
“Hey, Hazel. You scared me.”
“I didn’t mean to, Mrs. Windsor.” She yanked the plate and cup from me as if they were her precious babies, and she’d caught me trying to steal them. “I’m just trying to do my job.”
I nodded—Old Hazel took her position as Bryce’s watchdogveryfreaking seriously. “How’ve things been around here?”
“Not well. It’s been very hard on the elder Mr. Windsor and, of course, onourMr. Windsor. He needs support.” She eyed me, her heavily lined lids squinting in disapproval.
“I hope I can help.” Despite my misgivings, I meant it. “How areyouholding up?”
“So long as the family is intact, I’m fine.” She straightened her skinny frame. “Good evening, Mrs. Windsor. Please don’t forget the nine-o’clock curfew. Mr. Windsor—”
“Doesn’t like to be kept waiting. I know, I know,” I joked. But Hazel just scowled and clicked away. I wondered what she thought of all this. I wondered what she thought of me, if she approved in any small way, or if she wished that Bryce and Felicia Jones would officially reunite and finally make it down the aisle.
Ugh.My stomach twisted every time I thought of Bryce’s beautiful ex-fiancé. Bryce may have been talking to her the whole time I’d been gone—or more—and there was little I could do. The fact that she’d been at the house yesterday, while I’d been hours away, made me feel sick. I still hoped she would go and die in a hole. Even though Bryce and I were just business now—if I caught that bitch texting my husband or coming around again… I was going to make her pay!
Ugh, ugh, ugh.Being back on the island wassonot good for my mental health! There I was, already picturing bitch-slapping Felicia and thinking unkind thoughts about Hazel—not to mention Bryce.
Sighing, I went upstairs in search of my brother. I reminded myself that he was the bright spot, the reason I was there. It was no surprise that Noah was sprawled out on his bed, a plateful of homemade chocolate-chip cookies at his side as he cursed at whatever video game he was playing.