Page 85 of The Forever Promise

I took a deep breath as they counted down. “Five, four, three…”

“Hi there, we’re back after the break!” One of the pretty women on the screen said. “And our next guest is someone we’reallexcited to meet. It’s Chloe Windsor, wife of billionaire Bryce Windsor.”

The other host turned to her. “We’ve all heard about Gene Windsor, Chloe’s father-in-law. He’s the embattled CEO of Windsor Enterprises. He’s been having a tough time lately, but it’s so nice for the family that Chloe and Bryce seem to have been becoming more public. Bryce Windsor used to be really reclusive, didn’t he?”

“M-hmm.” The first host nodded knowingly. “And with a face like this, who wants to hide?” They laughed, and the image cut to several older photos of Bryce. He was dashing in each of them, with his handsome face and massive shoulders. The co-hosts sighed dreamily.

“Since he and Chloe married, the family’s become much more public,” the first host continued.

The second host nodded. “It’s like they’re our American Royals, you know?”

“Absolutely. We’re all falling in love with them. So with that, let’s bring on our next guest, Chloe Windsor!”

I could see myself on their screen. I felt frozen, but I forced myself to smile. Olivia grinned from her spot on the wall, all encouraging optimism.

“Hey there Chloe, it’s great to see you!” The hosts waved to me, and I waved back. “You’re coming to us from your gorgeous house in Maine, correct?”

“Yep!’ I sounded peppy, happy. I smiled some more. “It’s beautiful up here this time of year. We’re in Mount Desert Island, near Acadia National Park. Have you guys ever been?”

“Yes, andoh, it is gorgeous! Much better than New York in July.” The host fanned herself. “Woo, it’s hotter than one of my hot flashes here! So Chloe, we were just chatting about your father-in-law, Gene Windsor. We know there’s been some legal trouble—allegations of insider trading. We’re sorry to hear it. How’re you all holding up?”

“Thank you so much for asking. You know, it’s been hard. Everybody loves Gene,” I lied. “But we’re also grateful for all the work the American government’s putting into this investigation. We want everyone to know that we support them and have been cooperating with them fully. If any laws have been broken, we want to take responsibility. We’ll do whatever it takes.”

The hostess tilted her head, nodding. “I love that, Chloe—the fact that not only are you supporting your family but that you’re openly supporting the government, too. These things don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Good for you.”

The other host leaned forward. “Okay, now it’smyturn. How is that handsome husband of yours holding up?”

“Aw, thank you—he is handsome, isn’t he?” They laughed, and I continued, “He’s doing as well as anyone could expect. Bryce loves his father, and he loves his company. He’s committed to doing the work. He gives his best every day.”

“Wow.” The hostess nodded. “That’s wonderful. He’s lucky to have such a loving wife.”

“I’m lucky to havehim.” I started to choke up.

“Oh sweetie!” The first hostess put her hand over her heart. “That actually brings us to our next question. The elephant in the room—Felicia Jones.” The image swapped out to the picture of Bryce and Felicia at the Nguyen’s party, the one in which she was thrusting her chest out at him while looking up from under her lashes.

Both of the hosts frowned. “So what’s the deal? Rumor has it that she used to date Bryce. Can you confirm that?”

“Ha, way to put me on the spot, ladies!” I laughed, playing along. “But actually, I’m really glad you’re bringing this up.”

That got their attention. “You are?” asked the second host. “How come?”

“Well…” I took a deep breath. Gene had been very specific about this part. “Thank you for the opportunity to address this. Because it really hurt me—what everyone was saying about her and my husband.”

The hosts looked at each other. My chin started to wobble.

“It’s just that it’s not true.” My eyes filled with tears. “M-My husband loves me. He wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt me. What the press said was lies. It was lies, but it still hurt.”

A tear slid down my cheek. “I love my husband more than anything. I would die without him, just die. And I think the press doesn’t get called out on these things enough. He never had an affair with that woman. But what was posted online still hurt me, you know? I’m human. I have feelings.”

I was telling the truth. Iwoulddie without Bryce—that was why it was so easy for me to cry. Gene was going to make me say goodbye to him once and for all.

“Chloe, Chloe, Chloe!” The first host reached her arms out. “I just want to give you a big hug! Of course, you have feelings. We hear this from many celebrities—they feel that the laws around paparazzi and privacy need to be changed. You need to speak up for yourself. Because when you help yourself, you help others!”

“Oh, thank you.” I wiped at my eyes. “That’s really nice of you to say.”

“Oh sweetie. I want to hug you, too.” The second host clapped her hands together. “Let’s end with some happy stuff. How does that sound?”

“Good.” I blew out a deep breath. “That sounds really good.”