Page 56 of Resisting Nature

Mason slows and then comes to a complete stop.


“There are two trails he could have taken.” He points farther north from us and then straight in front. I take a deep breath and pick up on the same thing he is.

“One he came from, and the other is his exit.” No one has seen him in Fetterman or Rocky. So it’s likely he’s been hanging out in the mountains. It’s much too vast for us to effectively search unless we call in for reinforcements, which we may have to do if we don’t catch him soon. This is starting to wear on my nerves.

“You go straight.” Mason jerks his chin before he takes off to the right and resumes his jog.

Not wasting any time, I, too, take off again and head up the foothill before I start to climb into the mountain. The scent is getting stronger. Power begins to flow through me as I let my werewolf get closer to the surface. I’m going to need him if this turns into a fight.

Damn straight.

My breathing picks up, not from the run but because of the adrenaline pumping through me. I’m ready for this fight. My other senses catch up with my nose, allowing me a better take in my surroundings. My eyes tune into the dark, sharpening as I pass tree after tree, trailing the scent.

My nose stays on the trail.

My ears focus on everything past the thumping of my feet on the uneven ground.

Where are you, fucker?

Pain shoots down my arm as my hand transforms into a clawed paw as I dial in my hearing even more. I can hear the squirrels and chipmunks scurrying into their homes to hide from me, the deer spring away, and then the rushing water.

Slowing down, I stare ahead at the wide stream making its way down the face of the mountain.

“Shit.” Getting to the bank, I lose his scent completely, and the rushing water makes it difficult to hear any movement upstream, even with my heightened hearing. “Motherfucker!” Kicking at the water, I look around, angry I wasn’t faster.

Where’s the bastard?

I don’t know.

Instead of ripping my hair out, I search up and down the stream before heading back down after finding no tracks. I hope Mason has had better luck than me. The asshole is smart. He knows Alexa is on our land and the fact we are werewolves too. He’s going to cover his ass. Something isn’t sitting right in my gut about this, and I’m not going to get any amount of rest until I figure out and get rid of Grant fucking Cole.

His scent vanished from my nose’s range, meaning he’s using the stream as his main mode of transportation.

I don’t like this.

Neither do I.

I pass where I split off from Mason and continue to retrace my steps. Something churns in my gut, and I really don’t fucking like it.

Chapter Thirty-Four


A shower wasn’t going to settle my nerves, so keeping a close feel on the temperature of the water, I drew myself a bath. I’ve remained submerged here when a gentle knock comes to the bathroom door, causing me to jump and forcing the water to slosh over the side.

“Alexa?” Brandon’s muffled voice comes through the wood. “It’s me, Brandon. Miles and Mason left, but I’m right here.”

“Th-Thank you. I’ll be out in a few.” Sinking into the not-too-hot water, I attempt to relax.

“No rush.” He doesn’t say another word, just leaves me to finish taking a bath I’m not finding relaxing in the least. I need to get out and be ready just in case.

God, I wish I could be in a scalding pool to ease my worries, but I can’t. Not while pregnant, and honestly, who am I kidding? There will be absolutely no relaxing until Miles gets back here. Even then, it’s unlikely to happen until I know Grant is gone for good.

Grant’s still out there somewhere.

I feel like I haven’t prepared any of them enough to how manipulative, calculating, and downright feral this man can be. He’s crafty, hence how he got away with the jobs he did when I was forced to be his, and obviously, how he has now found me.