Page 52 of Resisting Nature

Why didn’t you go with her?

“Don’t act like I didn’t want to.”

You’re acting that way.

“Only because I wanted to make tonight special.” Setting the last log into the firepit, I take a step back and admire my handiwork. The summer is coming to an end, but the cold is still far from capturing our nights, so I decided to have our dinner by firelight, looking all romantic and shit.

Brandon can suck it with his truck bed romance.

It’s the least I can do to make her feel special after so much has been thrust upon her.

Going to see your child would make her feel that way.

“You have a long way to go to learn about women.” I head back into the house where I have steaks marinating, the potatoes are baking, and the corn is ready to go on the grill with the meat. I won’t argue with him about not going with Alexa to her first appointment. Of course I wanted to go. I want to hear my kid’s heartbeat and see the ultrasound. But this felt more important to do. Alexa has been through so much for such a long time I know I had to do something to show her how truly special she is to me and how much I want a life with her.

I’ve talked to her dad in detail about what Grant put her through and how we’ll possibly stop him from getting to her now. Mason is still on edge since we haven’t found Grant. We haven’t had any luck picking up on his scent again. It’s almostlike he vanished, but Alexa is positive he’s still here somewhere. Wyatt hasn’t noticed anything in Fetterman either. He doesn’t know the scent like we do, though, so a fat lot of good he does us.

He knows the scent of his own pack and ours. Any scent not fitting would alert him.

“That’s true.” I head back out to the patio to start the grill and admire the stretch of land that runs into the base of the mountain. I’m so happy to call this place home. More so than ever before.

Once upon a time, this house was half the size it is now and served as the meeting place for the pack on full moons. The day I turned eighteen, I decided to move out here and add on. I’ve loved living out here. The cell service is shit unless I stay close to the house, and Ma doesn’t bother me nearly as much as I thought she would.

Your mother isn’t that bad.

“You’re right.” But I never realized how isolated I made myself now that I have Alexa here, and a threat looming over us.

You’ll do everything in your power and mine to protect her.

“Damn straight.” I huff.

I make us our dinner. Ma didn’t plan on keeping Alexa in town for too long, thanks to Rylie being with them. It also helps that Roper is still acting as her shadow. I’ve never been more grateful for Roper and the silent force of nature he is as I am right now. My phone goes off in my back pocket just as I place the corn onto the grill.

Roper: She’s headed back.

Me: Did Ma behave herself?

Roper: Almost got them kicked out of the office.

Thank God I’m by myself because the laugh that escapes me is of the wheezing, bordering on pants pissing type. Leave it to Ma to nearly get the girls kicked out of the only woman’s doctor in the county.

Me: Thanks.

Roper: No problem.

By the time Ma pulls up with the girls, I have the steaks done and our plates decorated as nicely as I can manage. I can cook a mean meal, but I can’t make it look overly pretty.

“Thanks for the memories, Nina. I’ll talk to you two later,” Alexa shouts from the front door before it slams shut. “Miles?”

“In here, baby.” Picking up the plates, I head out the back door. She’ll see where I’m going. “Can you grab yourself a water, please?”

“What are you doing?” A lightness to her voice has been seeping in more and more with each passing day she’s out here with me.

I catch the cape of her blond hair before I’m out the door and placing our plates on the picnic table next to the firepit before I light it up.

“What’s all this?” Her laughter is a wonderful melody to my ears. She hasn’t been herself since I moved her into my house. Seeing her face shining with a smile has lifted my spirits.

“Surprise!” Opening my arms, I gesture to all of what I set up—the firepit coming to life, the meal, and the big bulbed fairy lights Iborrowedfrom Half Moon.