Page 48 of Resisting Nature

“To each their own.” We finish getting groceries and head back out to Miles’s. I don’t have anything else to do aside from unpacking my things, but I don’t feel like doing that without Miles. Instead, I put the food away and start to put something together for dinner.

My phone is nearly dead when I retrieve it from my purse. With my charger packed away, I have to go get the one out of my car. Heading out to get it, I stop on the porch when I catch sight of Roper on his tailgate.

The big, dark, and still completely mysterious man has his head ducked, face covered with the brim of his black cowboy hat.

“What are you doing?” I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve spoken to him.

“Guarding,” he mutters, not looking up from whatever he’s doing. His voice is deeper than I thought it would be.

“Okay? Do you want to come inside?” I wave to the house.

“I can see everything better out here.” I think that’s as close as I’m going to get to a thanks but no thanks.

“Suit yourself. If you get hungry or thirsty, come on in,” I offer.

“Thanks,” he mutters while lifting a gallon jug of water.

Strange man.

Not putting any more thought into it, I get my charger and go back to making dinner. I’m chopping up an onion to add to the stir-fry when strong arms wrap around me.

“I don’t know what smells better; my woman or the dinner she’s making us.” Miles’s voice rumbles in my ear. My body ignites. I’m on fire by not only his touch but also his words.

“How was today?” I ask instead of giving in to temptation.

“You’re not going to like it, but you’ll have a shadow until we findhim.” He doesn’t release me. “We told Cutler who the guy is and is even more determined to get him out of the county now.”

“Cutler?” I frown down at the green onions.

“Wyatt Cutler. He’s Macy’s dad and the alpha to the Bighorn pack in Fetterman.”

“I didn’t realize there were so many werewolves here,” I quip.

“It’s Wyoming.” He nods against my shoulder. “Small population and plenty of land to roam. Where else better to call home for a bunch of werewolves?”

“Fair point.” The response comes with ease, and it strikes me. Being with Miles is easy and right.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


This is fucking torture.

So is not having our mate at all.


Unlike the night before, when I managed to move Alexa in a matter of a few hours, and she crashed in my bed due to exhaustion, tonight wasn’t as easy to get her in there.

My little mate seems to need to sleep in the spare bedroom. A room that I have plans for in the future. Well, as long as she’s on board with what I want. I thought I could win her over and then convince her to start a family right away after seeing how happy Mason is with Rylie not only adopting Archer but finding out he’ll be a dad again. But I’m not so sure now with the news of her already having a child out there.

A child she put up for adoption.

She has her reasons. She wanted him to be safe and hidden.

That boy belongs with his mother.

I’m not going to argue about this again.