Page 43 of Resisting Nature

“Miles was summoned by Mason, so I rushed here to check on you before he could leave.” Coming in, she drops to her haunches next to me and rubs my back. “He was reluctant, but I told him I had everything under control.”

“Thank you,” I mumble. “What time is it?”

“A little after ten. Don’t freak out,” she rushes out. “I called both of us in for the day.”

“I had a final custody hearing set for today.” Groaning, I nearly drop my head to rest on the toilet. “Thank you.” Finally getting the energy to get up, I’m shaky as I reach the sink to wash my face. My stomach continues to roil. “I need to call the doctor. I don’t care what you say. This isn’t whatever that pain is.”

“I figured.” She sighs. “I hope you don’t get me sick. On top of my morning sickness, it’s the last thing I need right now.”

“M-Morning sickness?”Shit, Mason doesn’t waste any time.

“It’s more like evening sickness, but yeah.” She looks sheepish. “Surprise!”

“Y-You’re pregnant?” I can’t help but scream. I don’t care what my neighbors likely already think of me after last night.

“Yes.” She gives a nod with her one-word answer.

“But you just got married.” My finger quivers as I point at her.

“I know. We weren’t exactly being safe about it, and you know, things happen.” She shrugs.

“Oh my God!” Pushing past the ache in my entire body, I wrap her in a hug. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I’m nervous.” Her laughter conveys that.

“You’re going to be a great mom, Ry. Look how you already are with Archer.” Pointing that fact out while pulling away, I give her the first genuine smile I’ve had since the morning of her wedding.

“The pregnancy isn’t the only news I have.” Biting down on her lip, I get the sudden feeling my best friend is nervous about something else.

“What is it?” I prompt, grabbing her face to turn and look at me once more.

“I’ll need someone to help me with the adoption papers so I can become Archer’s mom for real.”

Even though my eyes hurt from crying last night, a fresh wave of heated tears leak from my eyes. “I’m your girl.”

“That’s what I thought.” Grabbing my hand, she pulls me out of the bathroom and down the short hallway that leads to my kitchen. “Sit, I made you a Denver omelet, orange juice, and Greek yogurt with raspberries.”

“You’re the best.” The tears aren’t stopping. Maybe with all the bad I’ve been feeling, hearing something good broke me.

“I was under orders to make you something good.” Sitting across from me, she watches as I shovel food down like I haven’t eaten in days rather than hours. It certainly feels like it. “So Miles came here …” Her fingers tap on the table.

“He did,” I say around a bite of eggs.

“And you didn’t send him away.” I’m given a pointed look.

“I didn’t,” I admit.

“Are you ready to open up to him? I know it has only been a couple of days, but Alexa, the man is hurting and so are you. To the point you feel you need to go to the doctor,” she adds before I can say anything.

Sitting up, I slow down on my meal. “If he comes back, I think I can sit down and talk to him.Listento him.”

“There is no if about it. He’ll be back, and you’ll give him a chance to explain, right?” She’s really not going to let anything slip past her.

“Yes.” I don’t hesitate to say.

“Good.” Slapping the table, she looks around the small house.

“Do you need to get going?” Suddenly, I’m worried I’ll be left alone again.