Page 25 of Resisting Nature

One Month Later

Chapter Fifteen


The ringing ends, and the voicemail picks up … again. “This is Alexa Hart. Please leave a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”

I don’t know what to say anymore. I’ve poured my heart out to her voicemail, in text, and every other way I can imagine. I’ve gone so far as to convince Rylie to pass messages on for me just in hopes that something finally gets through to my woman.

Nothing has worked.

I’m turning into the new Derek, or what he used to be. The lucky bastard has his woman back. The same goes for Mason.

Everyone is fucking in mated bliss except for determined bachelor, Roper, and sully me.

In the past month, I’ve attempted to drink myself to oblivion only to get slapped the crap out of by my mom, yet I haven’t given up trying to get through to Alexa.

And the worst part of all this shit, aside from not having her, is the fact I’m not the one dealing with the pain. When mates separate, one always has a piercing pain in their chest until they’re reunited with their other half. Since I’m doing everything I can think of and also what a few of the guys have suggested in attempts to bring us back together, I’m not feeling one ounce of pain other than the typical heartache you receive from being rejected like I have.

It kills me knowing she’s the one going through that kind of breath-stealing pain. Since I’ve never experienced it, Derekwas oh-so kind to fill all of us in on what it feels like. He lived with it for years after Annabelle left, and as he explained it, it felt like hot daggers were digging under the skin.

The voicemail beeps in my ear, and the words tumble out. “Alexa, I don’t know what more I can say. I had fully planned on telling you about what I am, and I know it must have freaked you out to wake up like you did. I’m sorry for that. I would never do anything to hurt you, and neither would my other half. Please call me back and give me a sign so we can work this out because, baby, I love you. I love you more than anything else in this world, and the next—” My message is cut off, and I decide it’s for the best to leave it there.

What else can I possibly say that I haven’t already spoken hundreds of times?

To make matters worse, Mason and Rylie have been planning for a quick wedding over the past month, and we’re days away from it.

Derek’s chuckle sounds down the bar from where I set up shop hours ago. As welcome as the foreign sound should be, it pisses me the fuck off. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for my friend. He went through hell foryearswithout his mate and is now finally finding happiness with her again, but I can’t contain the jealousy that sours me with each passing day.

Being on edge for a human is one thing, but it’s entirely different as a werewolf. I feel control slipping with day-to-day tasks where my strength becomes too much and so does my anger.

Go get her and make her listen.

I can’t do that to her.

I refuse to be that way with Alexa. If just seeing my werewolf side has her reacting like this, then I don’t want to make matters worse by going all alpha on her.

Funny word choice.

Shut up.

“Are you going to be like this at the wedding?” Brandon, yet another happily mated fucker, takes a seat next to me and steals my fresh beer. “Because if you are, I’m sure Mason wouldn’t object to someone else stepping up as best man.”

Is that a chicken feather in his hair?

I bristle.

I’m the best man. I will stand by my brother’s side like I’ve always done in every aspect of our lives, but I will do it for far more selfish reasons now. Alexa is the maid of honor. I’ll get to see her no matter what because I know her well enough to know she isn’t the type of person to abandon her friend when Rylie needs her.

“The hell you will. I can pretend with the best of ’em.” Snatching my beer back, I down it in one long swig.

“That’s what I thought.” He laughs, which leads Derek to come down and join us. Looking over my opposite shoulder, I find Roper in his usual dark corner, but his gaze is set on our little group. Out of all of us, he’s the only one who keeps to himself and minds his own damn business, but even now, I can sense he has something to say.

“So what’re you going to do about puttin’ a smile back on that pretty face of yours?” Snarling, I bat Derek’s hand away from my face before he can pinch my cheeks.

“There’s no we.I’mgoing to figure this shit out on my own,” I explain without really having a plan.

“Good.” Each of us jumps at Mason’s commanding voice. Turning in our seats, Brandon and I get to our feet to face him, legs spread shoulder width apart, arms crossed, nostrils flaring, and his typical pissed-off expression in place. “I won’t have anything or anyone messing with my wedding. Rylie deserves the best, and I plan to give it to her.”