Page 23 of Resisting Nature

So I try to formulate a plan to make this all better.

Clearly, I slept through something because looking over my furry shoulder, I find Alexa’s room empty.

I need to fix this.

If my being a werewolf freaks her out and has her concerned about me marking her or being violent, I’ll just show her it isn’t something she needs to worry about.

She’s mine.

Alexa is my perfect match. She’s smart and witty, gets my sense of humor, and, most of all, fits perfectly into my arms and against my chest. I would never do anything to break or harm her in any way.

She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.

She can accept my human side, so I’m sure with some explaining, she’ll be okay with this side as well.

Sighing, I look at the door that hides Alexa from me. There’s a big wall between us once more. I just don’t get what happened to her to make her so hot and cold with me. I get her back only to possibly lose her all over again? What the hell?

She’s pushed me away for some reason and is doing it again if the lack of movement and Rylie acting as a guard is any indication. I don’t know if it’s because she woke up with a beast in her bed or what. I’ll need to find a way to scale that fucking wall and get to her before I lose her for good. Not being able to get to her now is killing me. I want to be in my human form, hold Alexa close, and calm her the way she does for me.

My head perks up when the scent of tears reaches my nostrils.

Ah, hell.

I’m perked even more when something sweeter than her regular scent of apples drifts my way. My mouth froths at the tiniest hint of it and the thoughts it provokes of the taste of her skin under my tongue. I want to bash the bathroom door once I get past Rylie and lick the tears away from Alexa’s face.

I wonder—

My thoughts are cut off as Mason bounds up the stairs and commands me to shift and dress. In a none-too-pleasant tone, I might add.

Getting up, I go back into Alexa’s room to do so.

Achingly, my bones crack and break. I can’t tell which way hurts more, shifting into my werewolf form or back to human. I may have alpha blood, but it doesn’t make shifting any easier. Once I’m furless, I quickly dress but can’t find my shirt.

Deciding I’m just going to have to own my bare chest, I walk out. I’m thankful I don’t have to ride bitch on Mason’s bike and will get some peace before I get my ass handed to me by my family and pack. Mason’s tree trunk arms are crossed over his chest, his legs spread to make him look threatening. The wolf in me has my head ducking and tilting to expose my neck at the power rolling off him. Rylie doesn’t even notice.

“You really did it this time,” he grumbles.

“Thanks, I know, but I’m pretty sure once Alexa calms down, we’ll be just fine,” I admit, head still ducked.

She’ll get over it like Ry did. I know she will.

So you think.

Chapter Fourteen


Memories scream at me, causing my head to pound so profusely that I can’t do anything to fix it.

“You’re mine, Alexa!” The tips of his fingernails dig into my arms so much so that they’re about to puncture my flesh, forcing me to scream in pain. “No one looks at what is mine. You got that!” Grant's screams never end.

All I could do both back then and even right now as I hide away in the bathroom from that beast in my bed is hug myself tightly and rock back and forth on the cold floor.

“I’m sorry, Grant.”My pleading apology echoes through my mind. The memory came back to me when he had seen me with a male friend congratulating me on my acceptance to Yale. He wouldn’t let me explain. He stripped everything and everyone from me. I was left bare and a sobbing mess in his disgusting living room after he hit me.

My submission, along with a quickly bruised face, was enough to appease him. He had released me, but his claws continued to dig into my flesh.“Good girl.”

My dreams were gone after that. Going to Yale, a school I worked my ass off to get into, of seeing my son every day, and living a happy life were all ripped away from me by that monster. But I had a new dream, one to disappear somewhere Grant would never find me again.